Reynir Björnsson 6490801ce1 Update dependencies, refactor
- Tar.3.0.0 was released! So we can drop the pin and depend on it
- Use digestif in favor of the bygone mirage-crypto hash
- Move most of the hashing logic into archive_checksum.ml
- When checking the checksum we should check the checksum chosen, too. I
  believe this was a bug that was hidden due to opam packages always
  using one of md5, sha256 or sha512 for checksums.
2024-10-03 14:37:37 +02:00

63 lines
2.2 KiB

open Mirage
let setup = runtime_arg ~pos:__POS__ "Unikernel.K.setup"
let ssh_key =
Runtime_arg.create ~pos:__POS__
{|let open Cmdliner in
let doc = Arg.info ~doc:"The private SSH key (rsa:<seed> or ed25519:<b64-key>)." ["ssh-key"] in
Arg.(value & opt (some string) None doc)|}
let ssh_authenticator =
Runtime_arg.create ~pos:__POS__
{|let open Cmdliner in
let doc = Arg.info ~doc:"SSH authenticator." ["ssh-auth"] in
Arg.(value & opt (some string) None doc)|}
let ssh_password =
Runtime_arg.create ~pos:__POS__
{|let open Cmdliner in
let doc = Arg.info ~doc:"The private SSH password." [ "ssh-password" ] in
Arg.(value & opt (some string) None doc)|}
let tls_authenticator =
Runtime_arg.create ~pos:__POS__
{|let open Cmdliner in
let doc = "TLS host authenticator. See git_http in lib/mirage/mirage.mli for a description of the format." in
let doc = Arg.info ~doc ["tls-authenticator"] in
Arg.(value & opt (some string) None doc)|}
let mirror =
main "Unikernel.Make"
~runtime_args:[ setup ]
package ~min:"0.3.0" ~sublibs:[ "mirage" ] "paf" ;
package "h2" ;
package "ohex" ;
package "httpaf" ;
package ~max:"0.0.5" "git-kv" ;
package ~min:"3.10.0" "git-paf" ;
package "opam-file-format" ;
package ~min:"3.0.0" ~sublibs:[ "gz" ] "tar" ;
package ~min:"3.0.0" "tar-mirage" ;
package ~max:"0.2.0" "mirage-block-partition" ;
package "oneffs" ;
package "digestif" ;
(block @-> time @-> pclock @-> stackv4v6 @-> git_client @-> alpn_client @-> job)
let stack = generic_stackv4v6 default_network
let he = generic_happy_eyeballs stack
let dns = generic_dns_client stack he
let tcp = tcpv4v6_of_stackv4v6 stack
let block = block_of_file "tar"
let git_client, alpn_client =
let git = mimic_happy_eyeballs stack he dns in
merge_git_clients (git_ssh ~key:ssh_key ~authenticator:ssh_authenticator ~password:ssh_password tcp git)
(merge_git_clients (git_tcp tcp git)
(git_http ~authenticator:tls_authenticator tcp git)),
paf_client tcp (mimic_happy_eyeballs stack he dns)
let () = register "mirror"
[ mirror $ block $ default_time $ default_posix_clock $ stack $ git_client $ alpn_client ]