1160 lines
44 KiB
1160 lines
44 KiB
open Lwt.Infix
let argument_error = 64
module K = struct
open Cmdliner
let check =
let doc = Arg.info ~doc:"Only check the cache" ["check"] in
Mirage_runtime.register_arg Arg.(value & flag doc)
let skip_download =
let doc = Arg.info ~doc:"Skip downloading archives" ["skip-download"] in
Mirage_runtime.register_arg Arg.(value & flag doc)
let upstream_caches =
let doc =
"Upstream caches (e.g. https://opam.ocaml.org/cache). \
For each package first the declared url is attempted. Then, \
if any, all the declared mirrors are attempted. \
Finally, the upstream caches are attempted. \
Note that this does not change the \"archive-mirrors:\" value \
in the /repo endpoint."
let doc = Arg.info ~doc ["upstream-cache"] in
Mirage_runtime.register_arg Arg.(value & opt_all string [] doc)
let skip_verify_sha256 =
let doc = Arg.info
~doc:"Skip verification of the SHA256 checksums of the cache contents, \
and do not re-build the other checksum caches."
Mirage_runtime.register_arg Arg.(value & flag doc)
let remote =
let doc = Arg.info
~doc:"Remote repository url, use suffix #foo to specify a branch 'foo': \
Arg.(value & opt string "https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository.git#master" doc)
let parallel_downloads =
let doc = Arg.info
~doc:"Amount of parallel HTTP downloads"
Mirage_runtime.register_arg Arg.(value & opt int 20 doc)
let hook_url =
let doc = Arg.info
~doc:"URL to conduct an update of the git repository" ["hook-url"]
Mirage_runtime.register_arg Arg.(value & opt string "update" doc)
let port =
let doc = Arg.info ~doc:"HTTP listen port." ["port"] in
Mirage_runtime.register_arg Arg.(value & opt int 80 doc)
let cache_size =
let doc = "Number of MB reserved for each checksum cache (md5, sha512). Only used with --initialize-disk." in
let doc = Arg.info ~doc ["cache-size"] in
Mirage_runtime.register_arg Arg.(value & opt int 4 doc)
let git_size =
let doc = "Number of MB reserved for git dump. Only used with --initialize-disk" in
let doc = Arg.info ~doc ["git-size"] in
Mirage_runtime.register_arg Arg.(value & opt int 40 doc)
let swap_size =
let doc = "Number of MB reserved for swap. Only used with --initialize-disk" in
let doc = Arg.info ~doc ["swap-size"] in
Mirage_runtime.register_arg Arg.(value & opt int 1024 doc)
let initialize_disk =
let doc = "Initialize the disk with a partition table. THIS IS DESTRUCTIVE!" in
let doc = Arg.info ~doc ["initialize-disk"] in
Mirage_runtime.register_arg Arg.(value & flag doc)
let ignore_local_git =
let doc = "Ignore restoring locally saved git repository." in
let doc = Arg.info ~doc ["ignore-local-git"] in
Mirage_runtime.register_arg Arg.(value & flag doc)
module Make
(BLOCK : Mirage_block.S)
(Time : Mirage_time.S)
(Pclock : Mirage_clock.PCLOCK)
(Stack : Tcpip.Stack.V4V6)
(_ : sig end)
(HTTP : Http_mirage_client.S) = struct
module Part = Partitions.Make(BLOCK)
module KV = Tar_mirage.Make_KV_RW(Pclock)(Part)
module Cache = OneFFS.Make(Part)
module Swap = Swapfs.Make(Part)
module Store = Git_kv.Make(Pclock)
module SM = Map.Make(String)
module SSet = Set.Make(String)
let compare_hash = Archive_checksum.Hash.compare
module HM = Archive_checksum.HM
let hash_to_string = Archive_checksum.Hash.to_string
let hash_of_string = Archive_checksum.Hash.of_string
let hex_to_key h = Mirage_kv.Key.v (Ohex.encode h)
let hm_to_s hm =
HM.fold (fun h v acc ->
hash_to_string h ^ "=" ^ Ohex.encode v ^ "\n" ^ acc)
hm ""
let parse_errors = ref SM.empty
let reset_parse_errors () = parse_errors := SM.empty
let add_parse_error filename error =
parse_errors := SM.add filename error !parse_errors
module Git = struct
let contents store =
let explore = ref [ Mirage_kv.Key.empty ] in
let more () =
let rec go () =
match !explore with
| [] -> Lwt.return None
| step :: tl ->
explore := tl;
Store.exists store step >>= function
| Error e -> go ()
| Ok None -> go ()
| Ok Some `Value -> Lwt.return (Some step)
| Ok Some `Dictionary ->
Store.list store step >>= function
| Error e -> go ()
| Ok steps ->
explore := List.map fst steps @ !explore;
go ()
go ()
Lwt_stream.from more
let sha256s = Hashtbl.create 13
let empty () = Hashtbl.clear sha256s
let find_urls acc path data =
if Mirage_kv.Key.basename path = "opam" then
let path = Mirage_kv.Key.to_string path in
let url_csums, errs = Opam_file.extract_urls path data in
List.iter (fun (`Msg msg) -> add_parse_error path msg) errs;
let upstream hm =
(fun hash hash_value set ->
List.fold_left (fun set cache_url ->
let url =
cache_url ^ "/" ^ Archive_checksum.Hash.to_string hash ^
"/" ^ String.sub hash_value 0 2 ^ "/" ^ hash_value
SSet.add url set)
set (K.upstream_caches ()))
hm SSet.empty
List.fold_left (fun acc (url, csums, mirrors) ->
if HM.cardinal csums = 0 then
(add_parse_error path ("no checksums for " ^ url);
else begin
let url' =
match HM.find_opt `SHA256 csums with
| None -> url
| Some hash ->
match Hashtbl.find_opt sha256s hash with
| None -> Hashtbl.add sha256s hash url; url
| Some url' ->
if not (String.equal url url') then
Logs.debug (fun m -> m "same hash for url %s and %s" url url');
let mirrors = SSet.of_list mirrors in
let url, mirrors =
if String.equal url url' then
url, mirrors
url', SSet.add url mirrors
SM.update url (function
| None -> Some (csums, mirrors, upstream csums)
| Some (csums', mirrors', upstream_caches') ->
if HM.for_all (fun h v ->
match HM.find_opt h csums with
| None -> true | Some v' -> String.equal v v')
Some (HM.union (fun _h v _v' -> Some v) csums csums',
SSet.union mirrors mirrors',
SSet.union (upstream csums) upstream_caches'
else begin
add_parse_error path (Fmt.str
"mismatching hashes for %s: %s vs %s"
url (hm_to_s csums') (hm_to_s csums));
end) acc
end) acc url_csums
let active_downloads = ref SM.empty
let add_to_active url ts =
active_downloads := SM.add url (ts, 0) !active_downloads
let remove_active url =
active_downloads := SM.remove url !active_downloads
let active_add_bytes url written =
match SM.find_opt url !active_downloads with
| None -> ()
| Some (ts, written') ->
active_downloads := SM.add url (ts, written + written')
let failed_downloads = ref SM.empty
let reset_failed_downloads () = failed_downloads := SM.empty
let add_failed url ts reason =
remove_active url;
failed_downloads := SM.add url (ts, reason) !failed_downloads
let pp_failed ppf = function
| `Write_error e ->
KV.pp_write_error ppf e
| `Swap e ->
Swap.pp_error ppf e
| `Bad_checksum (hash, computed, expected) ->
Fmt.pf ppf "%s checksum: computed %s expected %s"
(hash_to_string hash)
(Ohex.encode computed)
(Ohex.encode expected)
| `Bad_response (status, reason) ->
Fmt.pf ppf "%a %s" H2.Status.pp_hum status reason
| `Mimic me ->
Mimic.pp_error ppf me
let key_of_failed = function
| `Write_error _ -> `Write_error
| `Swap _ -> `Swap
| `Bad_checksum _ -> `Bad_checksum
| `Bad_response _ -> `Bad_response
| `Mimic _ -> `Mimic
let compare_failed_key a b = match a, b with
| `Write_error, `Write_error -> 0
| `Write_error, _ -> -1
| _, `Write_error -> 1
| `Swap, `Swap -> 0
| `Swap, _ -> -1
| _, `Swap -> 1
| `Bad_checksum, `Bad_checksum -> 0
| `Bad_checksum, _ -> -1
| _, `Bad_checksum -> 1
| `Bad_response, `Bad_response -> 0
| `Bad_response, _ -> -1
| _, `Bad_response -> 1
| `Mimic, `Mimic -> 0
let pp_key ppf = function
| `Write_error -> Fmt.pf ppf "Write error"
| `Swap -> Fmt.pf ppf "Swap error"
| `Bad_checksum -> Fmt.pf ppf "Bad checksum"
| `Bad_response -> Fmt.pf ppf "Bad response"
| `Mimic -> Fmt.pf ppf "Mimic"
let remaining_downloads = ref 0
let archives = ref 0
let last_git = ref Ptime.epoch
let last_git_status = ref (Error "unknown")
module Disk = struct
module KS = Set.Make(Mirage_kv.Key)
type t = {
mutable md5s : string SM.t ;
mutable sha512s : string SM.t ;
mutable checked : KS.t option ;
dev : KV.t ;
dev_md5s : Cache.t ;
dev_sha512s : Cache.t ;
dev_swap : Swap.t ;
let empty dev dev_md5s dev_sha512s dev_swap =
{ md5s = SM.empty ; sha512s = SM.empty ; checked = Some KS.empty ; dev; dev_md5s; dev_sha512s ; dev_swap }
let add_checked t path =
match t.checked with
| None -> ()
| Some s -> t.checked <- Some (KS.add path s)
let marshal_sm (sm : string SM.t) =
let version = char_of_int 1 in
String.make 1 version ^ Marshal.to_string sm []
let unmarshal_sm s =
let version = int_of_char s.[0] in
match version with
| 1 -> Ok (Marshal.from_string s 1 : string SM.t)
| _ -> Error ("Unsupported version " ^ string_of_int version)
let update_caches t =
Cache.write t.dev_md5s (marshal_sm t.md5s) >>= fun r ->
(match r with
| Ok () -> ()
| Error e -> Logs.warn (fun m -> m "Failed to write 'md5s': %a" Cache.pp_write_error e));
Cache.write t.dev_sha512s (marshal_sm t.sha512s) >>= fun r ->
match r with
| Ok () -> Lwt.return_unit
| Error e ->
Logs.warn (fun m -> m "Failed to write 'sha512s': %a" Cache.pp_write_error e);
let find_key t h key =
if List.length (Mirage_kv.Key.segments key) <> 1 then begin
Logs.warn (fun m -> m "find_key with multiple segments: %a" Mirage_kv.Key.pp key);
Error `Not_found
end else
match h with
| `MD5 ->
Option.map Mirage_kv.Key.v (SM.find_opt (Mirage_kv.Key.basename key) t.md5s)
| `SHA512 ->
Option.map Mirage_kv.Key.v (SM.find_opt (Mirage_kv.Key.basename key) t.sha512s)
| `SHA256 -> Some key
| None -> Error `Not_found
| Some x -> Ok x
let ready t h key =
match t.checked with
| None -> true
| Some s -> match find_key t h key with
| Ok k -> KS.mem k s
| Error _ -> false
let completely_checked t = t.checked = None
let read_chunked t h v f a =
match find_key t h v with
| Error `Not_found ->
Lwt.return (Error (`Not_found v))
| Ok key ->
KV.size t.dev key >>= function
| Error e ->
Lwt.return (Error (`Not_found key))
| Ok len ->
let chunk_size = 4096 in
let rec read_more a offset =
if offset < len then
KV.get_partial t.dev key ~offset ~length:chunk_size >>= function
| Ok data ->
f a data >>= fun a ->
read_more a Optint.Int63.(add offset (of_int chunk_size))
| Error e ->
Lwt.return (Error e)
Lwt.return (Ok a)
read_more a Optint.Int63.zero
let init_write t csums =
let quux, csums = Archive_checksum.init_write csums in
let swap = Swap.empty t.dev_swap in
quux, Ok (csums, swap)
let write_partial t (hash, csum) url =
(* XXX: we may be in trouble if different hash functions are used for the same archive *)
let ( >>>= ) = Lwt_result.bind in
fun response r data ->
if Http_mirage_client.Status.is_successful response.Http_mirage_client.status then
Lwt.return r >>>= fun (digests, swap) ->
let digests = Archive_checksum.update_digests digests data in
active_add_bytes url (String.length data);
Swap.append swap data >|= function
| Ok () -> Ok (digests, swap)
| Error swap_err -> Error (`Swap swap_err)
Lwt.return (Error `Bad_response)
let check_csums_digests csums digests =
let csums' = Archive_checksum.digests_to_hm digests in
let common_bindings = List.filter (fun (h, _) -> HM.mem h csums) (HM.bindings csums') in
List.length common_bindings > 0 &&
(fun (h, csum) -> String.equal csum (HM.find h csums))
let set_from_handle dev dest h =
(* TODO: we need a function in tar which
(a) takes a path
(b) takes a function that reads (from the swap) and writes (to the tar)
(c) once the function is finished, it writes the tar header
-> this would allow us to avoid the rename stuff below
let size = Optint.Int63.of_int64 (Swap.size h) in
KV.allocate dev dest size >>= fun r ->
let rec loop offset =
if offset = Swap.size h then
Lwt.return_ok ()
let length = Int64.(to_int (min 4096L (sub (Swap.size h) offset))) in
Swap.get_partial h ~offset ~length >>= fun r ->
match r with
| Error e -> Lwt.return (Error (`Swap e))
| Ok data ->
KV.set_partial dev dest ~offset:(Optint.Int63.of_int64 offset) data
>>= fun r ->
match r with
| Error e -> Lwt.return (Error (`Write_error e))
| Ok () ->
loop Int64.(add offset (of_int length))
match r with
| Ok () ->
loop 0L
| Error e ->
Lwt.return (Error (`Write_error e))
let finalize_write t (hash, csum) ~url swap csums digests =
if check_csums_digests csums digests then
let sha256 = Ohex.encode Digestif.SHA256.(to_raw_string (get digests.sha256))
and md5 = Ohex.encode Digestif.MD5.(to_raw_string (get digests.md5))
and sha512 = Ohex.encode Digestif.SHA512.(to_raw_string (get digests.sha512)) in
let dest = Mirage_kv.Key.v sha256 in
let temp = Mirage_kv.Key.(v "pending" // dest) in
(Lwt.finalize (fun () -> set_from_handle t.dev temp swap)
(fun () -> Swap.free swap))
(fun () -> KV.rename t.dev ~source:temp ~dest
|> Lwt_result.map_error (fun e -> `Write_error e))
>|= function
| Ok () ->
remove_active url;
t.md5s <- SM.add md5 sha256 t.md5s;
t.sha512s <- SM.add sha512 sha256 t.sha512s;
add_checked t dest
| Error `Write_error e -> add_failed url (Ptime.v (Pclock.now_d_ps ())) (`Write_error e)
| Error `Swap e -> add_failed url (Ptime.v (Pclock.now_d_ps ())) (`Swap e)
else begin
add_failed url (Ptime.v (Pclock.now_d_ps ()))
(`Bad_checksum (hash, Archive_checksum.get digests hash, csum));
(* on disk, we use a flat file system where the filename is the sha256 of the data *)
let check ~skip_verify_sha256 t =
KV.list t.dev Mirage_kv.Key.empty >>= function
| Error e ->
Logs.err (fun m -> m "error %a listing kv" KV.pp_error e);
| Ok entries ->
Cache.read t.dev_md5s >>= fun r ->
(match r with
| Ok Some s ->
if skip_verify_sha256 then
Result.iter (fun md5s -> t.md5s <- md5s) (unmarshal_sm s)
| Ok None -> ()
| Error e -> Logs.warn (fun m -> m "Error reading md5s cache: %a" Cache.pp_error e));
Cache.read t.dev_sha512s >>= fun r ->
(match r with
| Ok Some s ->
if skip_verify_sha256 then
Result.iter (fun sha512s -> t.sha512s <- sha512s) (unmarshal_sm s)
| Ok None -> ()
| Error e -> Logs.warn (fun m -> m "Error reading sha512s cache: %a" Cache.pp_error e));
let md5s = SSet.of_list (List.map snd (SM.bindings t.md5s))
and sha512s = SSet.of_list (List.map snd (SM.bindings t.sha512s)) in
Lwt_list.iter_s (fun (path, typ) ->
match typ with
| `Dictionary -> Lwt.return_unit
| `Value ->
let open Digestif in
let md5_final =
if not (SSet.mem (Mirage_kv.Key.basename path) md5s) then
let f s =
let digest = MD5.(to_raw_string (get s)) in
t.md5s <- SM.add (Ohex.encode digest) (Mirage_kv.Key.basename path) t.md5s
Some f
and sha512_final =
if not (SSet.mem (Mirage_kv.Key.basename path) sha512s) then
let f s =
let digest = SHA512.(to_raw_string (get s)) in
t.sha512s <- SM.add (Ohex.encode digest) (Mirage_kv.Key.basename path) t.sha512s
Some f
let sha256_final =
let need_to_compute = md5_final <> None || sha512_final <> None || not skip_verify_sha256 in
if need_to_compute then
let f s =
let digest = SHA256.(to_raw_string (get s)) in
if not (String.equal (Mirage_kv.Key.basename path) (Ohex.encode digest)) then
Logs.err (fun m -> m "corrupt SHA256 data for %a, \
computed %s (will rename)"
Mirage_kv.Key.pp path (Ohex.encode digest));
end else true
Some f
match sha256_final with
| None ->
add_checked t path;
| Some f ->
read_chunked t `SHA256 path
(fun (sha256, md5, sha512) data ->
let sha256 = SHA256.feed_string sha256 data in
Lwt.pause () >>= fun () ->
let md5 =
Option.map (fun t -> MD5.feed_string t data) md5
Lwt.pause () >>= fun () ->
let sha512 =
Option.map (fun t -> SHA512.feed_string t data) sha512
Lwt.pause () >|= fun () ->
sha256, md5, sha512)
Option.map (fun _ -> MD5.empty) md5_final,
Option.map (fun _ -> SHA512.empty) sha512_final) >>= function
| Error e ->
Logs.err (fun m -> m "error %a of %a while computing digests"
KV.pp_error e Mirage_kv.Key.pp path);
| Ok (sha256, md5, sha512) ->
if not (f sha256) then
(* bad sha256! *)
KV.rename t.dev ~source:path ~dest:(Mirage_kv.Key.(v "delete" // path)) >|= function
| Ok () -> ()
| Error we ->
Logs.err (fun m -> m "error %a while renaming %a" KV.pp_write_error we
Mirage_kv.Key.pp path)
else begin
Option.iter (fun f -> f (Option.get md5)) md5_final;
Option.iter (fun f -> f (Option.get sha512)) sha512_final;
add_checked t path;
entries >>= fun () ->
update_caches t >|= fun () ->
t.checked <- None
let exists t h v =
match find_key t h v with
| Error _ -> Lwt.return false
| Ok x ->
KV.exists t.dev x >|= function
| Ok Some `Value -> true
| Ok Some `Dictionary -> false
| Ok None -> false
| Error _ -> false
let last_modified t h v =
match find_key t h v with
| Error _ as e -> Lwt.return e
| Ok x ->
KV.last_modified t.dev x >|= function
| Ok data -> Ok data
| Error _ -> Error `Not_found
let size t h v =
match find_key t h v with
| Error _ as e -> Lwt.return e
| Ok x ->
KV.size t.dev x >|= function
| Ok s -> Ok s
| Error _ -> Error `Not_found
module Tarball = struct
module High : sig
type t
type 'a s = 'a Lwt.t
external inj : 'a s -> ('a, t) Tar.io = "%identity"
external prj : ('a, t) Tar.io -> 'a s = "%identity"
end = struct
type t
type 'a s = 'a Lwt.t
external inj : 'a -> 'b = "%identity"
external prj : 'a -> 'b = "%identity"
let to_buffer buf t =
let rec run : type a. (a, [> `Msg of string ] as 'err, High.t) Tar.t -> (a, 'err) result Lwt.t
= function
| Tar.Write str ->
Buffer.add_string buf str;
Lwt.return_ok ()
| Tar.Read _ -> assert false
| Tar.Really_read _ -> assert false
| Tar.Seek _ -> assert false
| Tar.Return value -> Lwt.return value
| Tar.High value -> High.prj value
| Tar.Bind (x, f) ->
let open Lwt_result.Infix in
run x >>= fun value -> run (f value) in
run t
let once data =
let closed = ref false in
fun () -> if !closed
then Tar.High (High.inj (Lwt.return_ok None))
else begin closed := true; Tar.High (High.inj (Lwt.return_ok (Some data))) end
let entries_of_git ~mtime store repo urls =
let entries = Git.contents store in
let to_entry path =
match Mirage_kv.Key.segments path with
(* from opam source code, src/repository/opamHTTP.ml:
include only three top-level dirs/files: packages, version, repo *)
| "packages" :: _
| "version" :: _
| "repo" :: _ ->
Store.get store path >|= function
| Ok data ->
let data =
if Mirage_kv.Key.(equal path (v "repo"))
then repo else data
let file_mode = 0o644
and mod_time = Int64.of_int mtime
and user_id = 0
and group_id = 0
and size = String.length data in
let hdr = Tar.Header.make ~file_mode ~mod_time ~user_id ~group_id
(Mirage_kv.Key.to_string path) (Int64.of_int size) in
urls := Git.find_urls !urls path data;
Some (Some Tar.Header.Ustar, hdr, once data)
| Error _ -> None
| _ -> Lwt.return None
let entries = Lwt_stream.filter_map_s to_entry entries in
Lwt.return begin fun () -> Tar.High (High.inj (Lwt_stream.get entries >|= Result.ok)) end
let of_git repo store =
let now = Ptime.v (Pclock.now_d_ps ()) in
let mtime = Option.value ~default:0 Ptime.(Span.to_int_s (to_span now)) in
let urls = ref SM.empty in
entries_of_git ~mtime store repo urls >>= fun entries ->
Git.empty ();
let t = Tar.out ~level:Ustar entries in
let t = Tar_gz.out_gzipped ~level:4 ~mtime:(Int32.of_int mtime) Gz.Unix t in
let buf = Buffer.create 1024 in
to_buffer buf t >|= function
| Ok () -> Buffer.contents buf, !urls
| Error (`Msg msg) -> failwith msg
module Serve = struct
let ptime_to_http_date ptime =
let (y, m, d), ((hh, mm, ss), _) = Ptime.to_date_time ptime
and weekday = match Ptime.weekday ptime with
| `Mon -> "Mon" | `Tue -> "Tue" | `Wed -> "Wed" | `Thu -> "Thu"
| `Fri -> "Fri" | `Sat -> "Sat" | `Sun -> "Sun"
and month =
[| "Jan" ; "Feb" ; "Mar" ; "Apr" ; "May" ; "Jun" ;
"Jul" ; "Aug" ; "Sep" ; "Oct" ; "Nov" ; "Dec" |]
let m' = Array.get month (pred m) in
Printf.sprintf "%s, %02d %s %04d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT" weekday d m' y hh mm ss
let commit_id git_kv =
Store.digest git_kv Mirage_kv.Key.empty >|= fun r ->
Result.fold r ~ok:Ohex.encode
~error:(fun e ->
Logs.err (fun m -> m "%a" Store.pp_error e);
exit 2)
let repo remote commit =
let upstream = List.hd (String.split_on_char '#' remote) in
{|opam-version: "2.0"
upstream: "%s#%s"
archive-mirrors: "cache"
stamp: %S
|} upstream commit commit
let modified git_kv =
Store.last_modified git_kv Mirage_kv.Key.empty >|= fun r ->
let v =
Result.fold r
~error:(fun _ -> Ptime.v (Pclock.now_d_ps ()))
ptime_to_http_date v
type t = {
mutable commit_id : string ;
mutable modified : string ;
mutable repo : string ;
mutable index : string ;
let create remote git_kv =
commit_id git_kv >>= fun commit_id ->
modified git_kv >>= fun modified ->
let repo = repo remote commit_id in
Tarball.of_git repo git_kv >|= fun (index, urls) ->
{ commit_id ; modified ; repo ; index }, urls
let update_lock = Lwt_mutex.create ()
let update_git ~remote t git_kv =
Lwt_mutex.with_lock update_lock (fun () ->
Logs.info (fun m -> m "pulling the git repository");
last_git := Ptime.v (Pclock.now_d_ps ());
Git_kv.pull git_kv >>= function
| Error `Msg msg ->
Logs.err (fun m -> m "error %s while updating git" msg);
last_git_status := Error msg;
Lwt.return None
| Ok [] ->
Logs.info (fun m -> m "git changes are empty");
last_git_status := Ok 0;
Lwt.return (Some ([], SM.empty))
| Ok changes ->
last_git_status := Ok (List.length changes);
commit_id git_kv >>= fun commit_id ->
modified git_kv >>= fun modified ->
Logs.info (fun m -> m "git: %s" commit_id);
let repo = repo remote commit_id in
reset_parse_errors ();
Tarball.of_git repo git_kv >|= fun (index, urls) ->
t.commit_id <- commit_id ;
t.modified <- modified ;
t.repo <- repo ;
t.index <- index;
Some (changes, urls))
let status t disk =
(* report status:
- archive size (can we easily measure?) and number of "good" elements
let archive_stats =
Fmt.str "<ul><li>commit %s</li><li>last modified (of index.tar.gz) %s</li><li>repo %s</li><li>%u validated archives on disk</li><li>%Lu bytes free</li><li>%u URLs identified</li><li>%u downloads are remaining</li><li>last git fetch %s</li><li>last git status: %s</li></ul>"
t.commit_id t.modified (K.remote ())
(SM.cardinal disk.Disk.md5s)
(KV.free disk.Disk.dev)
(ptime_to_http_date !last_git)
(match !last_git_status with Ok x -> "ok with " ^ string_of_int x ^ " changes" | Error msg -> "error " ^ msg)
let sort_by_ts a b = Ptime.compare b a in
let active_downloads =
let header = "<h2>Active downloads</h2><ul>" in
let content =
SM.bindings !active_downloads |>
List.sort (fun (_, (a, _)) (_, (b, _)) -> sort_by_ts a b) |>
List.map (fun (url, (ts, bytes_written)) ->
"<li>" ^ Ptime.to_rfc3339 ?tz_offset_s:None ts ^ ": " ^ url ^ " " ^ string_of_int bytes_written ^ " bytes written to swap</li>")
header ^ String.concat "" content ^ "</ul>"
and failed_downloads =
let header = "<h2>Failed downloads</h2>" in
let group_by xs =
let t = Hashtbl.create 7 in
List.iter (fun ((_, (_, reason)) as e) ->
let k = key_of_failed reason in
let els = Option.value ~default:[] (Hashtbl.find_opt t k) in
Hashtbl.replace t k (e :: els))
Hashtbl.fold (fun k els acc ->
let sorted =
List.sort (fun (_, (tsa, _)) (_, (tsb, _)) ->
sort_by_ts tsa tsb)
(k, sorted) :: acc)
t []
let content =
SM.bindings !failed_downloads |>
group_by |>
List.sort (fun (a, _) (b, _) -> compare_failed_key a b) |>
List.map (fun (key, els) ->
let header = Fmt.str "<h3>%a</h3><ul>" pp_key key in
let content =
List.map (fun (url, (ts, reason)) ->
Fmt.str "<li>%s: %s error %a"
(Ptime.to_rfc3339 ?tz_offset_s:None ts) url pp_failed reason)
header ^ String.concat "" content ^ "</ul>")
header ^ String.concat "" content
and parse_errors =
let header = "<h2>Parse errors</h2><ul>" in
let content =
SM.bindings !parse_errors |>
List.sort (fun (a, _) (b, _) -> String.compare a b) |>
List.map (fun (filename, reason) ->
"<li>" ^ filename ^ ": " ^ reason ^ "</li>")
header ^ String.concat "" content ^ "</ul>"
"<html><head><title>Opam-mirror status page</title></head><body><h1>Opam mirror status</h1><div>"
^ String.concat "</div><div>" [ archive_stats ; active_downloads ; failed_downloads ; parse_errors ]
^ "</div></body></html>"
let not_modified request (modified, etag) =
match Httpaf.Headers.get request.Httpaf.Request.headers "if-modified-since" with
| Some ts -> String.equal ts modified
| None -> match Httpaf.Headers.get request.Httpaf.Request.headers "if-none-match" with
| Some etags -> List.mem etag (String.split_on_char ',' etags)
| None -> false
let not_found reqd path =
let data = "Resource not found " ^ path in
let headers = Httpaf.Headers.of_list
[ "content-length", string_of_int (String.length data) ] in
let resp = Httpaf.Response.create ~headers `Not_found in
Httpaf.Reqd.respond_with_string reqd resp data
let respond_with_empty reqd resp =
let hdr =
Httpaf.Headers.add_unless_exists resp.Httpaf.Response.headers
"connection" "close"
let resp = { resp with Httpaf.Response.headers = hdr } in
Httpaf.Reqd.respond_with_string reqd resp ""
(* From the OPAM manual, all we need:
/repo -- repository configuration file
/cache -- cached archives
/index.tar.gz -- archive containing the whole repository contents
(* may include "announce: [ string { filter } ... ]" *)
(* use Key_gen.remote for browse & upstream *)
(* for repo and index.tar.gz:
if Last_modified.not_modified request then
let resp = Httpaf.Response.create `Not_modified in
respond_with_empty reqd resp
else *)
let dispatch t store hook_url update _flow _conn reqd =
let request = Httpaf.Reqd.request reqd in
match String.split_on_char '/' request.Httpaf.Request.target with
| [ ""; x ] when String.equal x hook_url ->
Lwt.async update;
let data = "Update in progress" in
let mime_type = "text/plain" in
let headers = [
"content-type", mime_type ;
"etag", t.commit_id ;
"last-modified", t.modified ;
"content-length", string_of_int (String.length data) ;
] in
let headers = Httpaf.Headers.of_list headers in
let resp = Httpaf.Response.create ~headers `OK in
Httpaf.Reqd.respond_with_string reqd resp data
| [ ""; x ] when String.equal x "status" ->
let data = status t store in
let mime_type = "text/html" in
let headers = [
"content-type", mime_type ;
"content-length", string_of_int (String.length data) ;
] in
let headers = Httpaf.Headers.of_list headers in
let resp = Httpaf.Response.create ~headers `OK in
Httpaf.Reqd.respond_with_string reqd resp data
| [ ""; "repo" ] ->
if not_modified request (t.modified, t.commit_id) then
let resp = Httpaf.Response.create `Not_modified in
respond_with_empty reqd resp
let data = t.repo in
let mime_type = "text/plain" in
let headers = [
"content-type", mime_type ;
"etag", t.commit_id ;
"last-modified", t.modified ;
"content-length", string_of_int (String.length data) ;
] in
let headers = Httpaf.Headers.of_list headers in
let resp = Httpaf.Response.create ~headers `OK in
Httpaf.Reqd.respond_with_string reqd resp data
| [ ""; "index.tar.gz" ] ->
(* deliver prepared tarball *)
if not_modified request (t.modified, t.commit_id) then
let resp = Httpaf.Response.create `Not_modified in
respond_with_empty reqd resp
let data = t.index in
let mime_type = "application/octet-stream" in
let headers = [
"content-type", mime_type ;
"etag", t.commit_id ;
"last-modified", t.modified ;
"content-length", string_of_int (String.length data) ;
] in
let headers = Httpaf.Headers.of_list headers in
let resp = Httpaf.Response.create ~headers `OK in
Httpaf.Reqd.respond_with_string reqd resp data
| "" :: "cache" :: hash_algo :: _ :: hash :: [] ->
(* `<hash-algo>/<first-2-hash-characters>/<hash>` *)
match hash_of_string hash_algo with
| Error `Msg msg ->
not_found reqd request.Httpaf.Request.target
| Ok h ->
let hash = Mirage_kv.Key.v hash in
Lwt.async (fun () ->
if Disk.ready store h hash then
(Disk.last_modified store h hash >|= function
| Error _ -> t.modified
| Ok v -> ptime_to_http_date v) >>= fun last_modified ->
if not_modified request (last_modified, Mirage_kv.Key.basename hash) then
let resp = Httpaf.Response.create `Not_modified in
respond_with_empty reqd resp;
Disk.size store h hash >>= function
| Error _ ->
not_found reqd request.Httpaf.Request.target;
| Ok size ->
let size = Optint.Int63.to_string size in
let mime_type = "application/octet-stream" in
let headers = [
"content-type", mime_type ;
"etag", Mirage_kv.Key.basename hash ;
"last-modified", last_modified ;
"content-length", size ;
let headers = Httpaf.Headers.of_list headers in
let resp = Httpaf.Response.create ~headers `OK in
let body = Httpaf.Reqd.respond_with_streaming reqd resp in
Disk.read_chunked store h hash (fun () chunk ->
let wait, wakeup = Lwt.task () in
(* FIXME: catch exception when body is closed *)
Httpaf.Body.write_string body chunk;
Httpaf.Body.flush body (Lwt.wakeup wakeup);
wait) () >|= fun _ ->
Httpaf.Body.close_writer body
else begin
not_found reqd request.Httpaf.Request.target;
| _ ->
Logs.warn (fun m -> m "unknown request %s" request.Httpaf.Request.target);
not_found reqd request.Httpaf.Request.target
let download_archives parallel_downloads disk http_client urls =
reset_failed_downloads ();
remaining_downloads := SM.cardinal urls;
archives := SM.cardinal urls;
let pool = Lwt_pool.create parallel_downloads (Fun.const Lwt.return_unit) in
Lwt_list.iter_p (fun (url, (csums, mirrors, upstream_caches)) ->
Lwt_pool.use pool @@ fun () ->
HM.fold (fun h v r ->
r >>= function
| true -> Disk.exists disk h (hex_to_key v)
| false -> Lwt.return false)
csums (Lwt.return true) >>= function
| true ->
decr remaining_downloads;
| false ->
let rec download url mirrors upstream_caches =
let retry () =
if SSet.is_empty mirrors && SSet.is_empty upstream_caches then begin
decr remaining_downloads;
end else if SSet.is_empty mirrors then
let elt, upstream_caches =
let e = SSet.min_elt upstream_caches in
e, SSet.remove e upstream_caches
download elt mirrors upstream_caches
let elt, mirrors =
let e = SSet.min_elt mirrors in
e, SSet.remove e mirrors
download elt mirrors upstream_caches
let quux, body_init = Disk.init_write disk csums in
add_to_active url (Ptime.v (Pclock.now_d_ps ()));
if not (K.skip_download ()) then
Http_mirage_client.request http_client url (Disk.write_partial disk quux url) body_init >>= function
| Ok (resp, r) ->
begin match r with
| Error `Bad_response ->
add_failed url (Ptime.v (Pclock.now_d_ps ()))
(`Bad_response (resp.status, resp.reason));
retry ()
| Error `Write_error e ->
add_failed url (Ptime.v (Pclock.now_d_ps ())) (`Write_error e);
retry ()
| Error `Swap e ->
add_failed url (Ptime.v (Pclock.now_d_ps ())) (`Swap e);
retry ()
| Ok (digests, body) ->
decr remaining_downloads;
Disk.finalize_write disk quux ~url body csums digests
| Error me ->
add_failed url (Ptime.v (Pclock.now_d_ps ())) (`Mimic me);
retry ()
retry ()
download url mirrors upstream_caches)
(SM.bindings urls) >>= fun () ->
Disk.update_caches disk >|= fun () ->
Logs.info (fun m -> m "downloading of %d urls done" (SM.cardinal urls))
let dump_git git_dump git_kv =
let stream = Git_kv.to_octets git_kv in
Lwt_stream.to_list stream >>= fun datas ->
let data = String.concat "" datas in
Cache.write git_dump data >|= function
| Ok () ->
Logs.info (fun m -> m "dumped git %d bytes" (String.length data))
| Error e ->
Logs.warn (fun m -> m "failed to dump git: %a" Cache.pp_write_error e)
let restore_git ~remote git_dump git_ctx =
Cache.read git_dump >>= function
| Ok None -> Lwt.return (Error ())
| Error e ->
Logs.warn (fun m -> m "failed to read git state: %a" Cache.pp_error e);
Lwt.return (Error ())
| Ok Some data ->
let stream = Lwt_stream.return data in
Git_kv.of_octets git_ctx ~remote stream >|= function
| Ok git_kv -> Ok git_kv
| Error `Msg msg ->
Logs.err (fun m -> m "error restoring git state: %s" msg);
Error ()
module Paf = Paf_mirage.Make(Stack.TCP)
let start_mirror { Part.tar; swap; git_dump; md5s; sha512s } stack git_ctx http_ctx =
KV.connect tar >>= fun kv ->
Cache.connect git_dump >>= fun git_dump ->
Cache.connect md5s >>= fun md5s ->
Cache.connect sha512s >>= fun sha512s ->
Swap.connect swap >>= fun swap ->
Logs.info (fun m -> m "Available bytes in tar storage: %Ld" (KV.free kv));
let disk = Disk.empty kv md5s sha512s swap in
let remote = K.remote () in
if K.check () then
Disk.check ~skip_verify_sha256:(K.skip_verify_sha256 ()) disk
Logs.info (fun m -> m "Initializing git state. This may take a while...");
(if K.ignore_local_git () then
Lwt.return (Error ())
restore_git ~remote git_dump git_ctx) >>= function
| Ok git_kv -> Lwt.return (false, git_kv)
| Error () ->
Git_kv.connect git_ctx remote >>= fun git_kv ->
Lwt.return (true, git_kv)
end >>= fun (need_dump, git_kv) ->
Logs.info (fun m -> m "Done initializing git state!");
Serve.commit_id git_kv >>= fun commit_id ->
Logs.info (fun m -> m "git: %s" commit_id);
Serve.create remote git_kv >>= fun (serve, urls) ->
Paf.init ~port:(K.port ()) (Stack.tcp stack) >>= fun t ->
let update () =
if Disk.completely_checked disk then
Serve.update_git ~remote serve git_kv >>= function
| None | Some ([], _) -> Lwt.return_unit
| Some (_changes, urls) ->
dump_git git_dump git_kv >>= fun () ->
download_archives (K.parallel_downloads ()) disk http_ctx urls
else begin
Logs.warn (fun m -> m "disk is not ready yet, thus not updating");
let service =
~error_handler:(fun _ ?request:_ _ _ -> ())
(Serve.dispatch serve disk (K.hook_url ()) update)
let `Initialized th = Paf.serve service t in
Logs.info (fun f -> f "listening on %d/HTTP" (K.port ()));
Lwt.join [
(if need_dump then begin
Logs.info (fun m -> m "dumping git state %s" commit_id);
dump_git git_dump git_kv
end else
Lwt.return_unit) ;
(Disk.check ~skip_verify_sha256:(K.skip_verify_sha256 ()) disk)
] >>= fun () ->
Lwt.async (fun () ->
let rec go () =
Time.sleep_ns (Duration.of_hour 1) >>= fun () ->
update () >>= fun () ->
go ()
go ());
download_archives (K.parallel_downloads ()) disk http_ctx urls >>= fun () ->
(th >|= fun _v -> ())
let start block _time _pclock stack git_ctx http_ctx =
let initialize_disk = K.initialize_disk ()
and cache_size = K.cache_size ()
and git_size = K.git_size ()
and swap_size = K.swap_size () in
if initialize_disk then
Part.format block ~cache_size ~git_size ~swap_size >>= function
| Ok () ->
Logs.app (fun m -> m "Successfully initialized the disk! You may restart now without --initialize-disk.");
| Error `Msg e ->
Logs.err (fun m -> m "Error formatting disk: %s" e);
exit Mirage_runtime.argument_error
| Error `Block e ->
Logs.err (fun m -> m "Error formatting disk: %a" BLOCK.pp_write_error e);
exit 2
Part.connect block >>= fun parts ->
start_mirror parts stack git_ctx http_ctx