2025-02-14 17:18:46 +00:00
#require "vif" ;;
#require "jwto" ;;
open Vif ;;
type user =
{ username : string }
type cfg =
{ secret : string }
let jwt = Vif.Ms.make ~name:"jwt" @@ fun req target server { secret } ->
Logs.debug (fun m -> m "Search vif-token cookie");
match Cookie.get server req ~name:"vif-token" with
2025-02-19 14:06:18 +00:00
| Error err -> None
2025-02-14 17:18:46 +00:00
| Ok token ->
let ( let* ) = Option.bind in
let* token = Result.to_option (Jwto.decode_and_verify secret token) in
let* username = List.assoc_opt "username" (Jwto.get_payload token) in
Some { username }
type credential =
{ username : string
; password : string }
let credential =
let open Json_encoding in
let username = req "username" string in
let password = req "password" string in
let credential = obj2 username password in
let prj { username; password } =
(username, password) in
let inj (username, password) =
{ username; password } in
conv prj inj credential
2025-02-19 14:06:18 +00:00
let form =
let open Vif.Multipart_form in
let fn username password =
{ username; password } in
record fn
|+ field "username" string
|+ field "password" string
|> sealr
2025-02-14 17:18:46 +00:00
let users =
[ "dinosaure", "foo" ]
2025-02-19 14:06:18 +00:00
let login req server { secret } { username; password } =
match List.assoc_opt username users with
| Some p' when password = p' ->
let token = Jwto.encode HS512 secret [ "username", username ] in
let token = Result.get_ok token in
let* () = Vif.Cookie.set ~name:"vif-token" server req token in
let field = "content-type" in
let* () = Response.add ~field "text/plain; charset=utf-8" in
let* () = Response.with_string req "Authenticated!\n" in
Response.respond `OK
| _ ->
let field = "content-type" in
let* () = Response.add ~field "text/plain; charset= utf-8" in
let* () = Response.with_string req "Bad credentials\n" in
Response.respond `Unauthorized
let login_by_json req server cfg =
2025-02-14 17:18:46 +00:00
match Vif.Request.of_json req with
2025-02-19 14:06:18 +00:00
| Ok credential -> login req server cfg credential
2025-02-14 17:18:46 +00:00
| Error _ ->
let field = "content-type" in
let* () = Response.add ~field "text/plain; charset=utf-8" in
let* () = Response.with_string req "Invalid JSON\n" in
Response.respond (`Code 422)
2025-02-19 14:06:18 +00:00
let login_by_form req server cfg =
match Vif.Request.of_multipart_form req with
| Ok credential -> login req server cfg credential
| Error _ ->
let field = "content-type" in
let* () = Response.add ~field "text/plain; charset=utf-8" in
let* () = Response.with_string req "Invalid multipart-form\n" in
Response.respond (`Code 422)
2025-02-18 18:25:30 +00:00
let default req server _cfg =
2025-02-14 17:18:46 +00:00
match Request.get jwt req with
| None ->
let field = "content-type" in
let* () = Response.add ~field "text/plain; charset=utf-8" in
2025-02-17 17:29:09 +00:00
let* () = Response.with_string req "Unauthorized place\n" in
2025-02-14 17:18:46 +00:00
Response.respond `Unauthorized
| Some { username } ->
let field = "content-type" in
let* () = Response.add ~field "text/plain; charset=utf-8" in
let str = Fmt.str "Connected as %S\n" username in
let* () = Response.with_string req str in
Response.respond `OK
let routes =
let open Vif.U in
let open Vif.R in
2025-02-19 14:06:18 +00:00
let open Vif.T in
[ post (m form) (rel / "login" /?? nil) --> login_by_form
; post (json_encoding credential) (rel / "login" /?? nil) --> login_by_json
2025-02-18 18:25:30 +00:00
; get (rel /?? nil) --> default ]
2025-02-14 17:18:46 +00:00
let () = Miou_unix.run @@ fun () ->
let secret = "deadbeef" in
2025-02-18 18:25:30 +00:00
Vif.run ~middlewares:Ms.[ jwt ] routes { secret }