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2024-12-30 12:41:55 +00:00
(** The Unit name is the name of a module which can be represented by a file.
The unit name {b transforms} the given file path into a {!type:Modname.t}
and keep the file path internally.
By this way, an {!t} as two views:
- as a file path (where the module is located into the file-system)
- as a module name *)
type t
(** Type of an unit name. *)
val modulize : string -> t
(** [modulize filename] makes a new {!type:t} which contains the given
[filename] and {i modulize} it: it removes the extension (if it exists), it
capitalises the first letter of the [filename]'s {!val:Filename.basename}
and replace any wrong characters by ['_'].
For instance:
- [""] => ["Foo"]
- ["Foo"] => ["Foo"]
- ["foo'.ml"] => ["Foo_"]
- ["lib/"] => ["Foo"]
- [""] => ["Foo-bar"]
We assert that:
# let v = Unitname.modulize "" ;;
# assert ( v Unitname.(modulize (filepath v)) = 0) ;;
]} *)
val modname : t -> Modname.t
val filename : t -> string
(** [filename v] returns the {b filename} of the given unit name. The filename
is the {!val:Filename.basename} of the [filepath] given to construct [v]
with {!val:modulize}. *)
val filepath : t -> string
(** [filepath v] returns the {b filepath} of the given unit name. The file path
is the one used to construct [v] with {!val:modulize}. *)
val pp : t Fmt.t
val pp_as_modname : t Fmt.t
val pp_as_filepath : t Fmt.t
val reflect : t Fmt.t
val compare_as_modnames : t -> t -> int
(** [compare_as_modnames a b] compares [a] and [b] from their modname's views.
For instance,
# let a = Unitname.modulize "foo/" ;;
# let b = Unitname.modulize "bar/" ;;
# Unitname.compare_as_modnames a b ;;
- : int = 0
]} *)
val change_file_extension : (string -> string) -> t -> t
(** [change_file_extension f t] tries to replace the current extension of the
given [t] (the {i filename} view) by something else returned by [f]. If [t]
has no extension, we return it unchanged. Otherwise, we call [f] and give to
it the current extension.
{b NOTE}: The {i modname} view is {b unchanged} in any cases:
# let v0 = Unitname.modulize "" ;;
# let v1 = Unitname.change_file_extension (fun _ -> "mli") v0 ;;
# assert ( (Unitname.modname v0) (Unitname.modname v1) = 0) ;;
However, [v0] and [v1] are not equal anymore. *)
module Map : Map.S with type key = t
module Set : Set.S with type elt = t