This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 136 additions and 38 deletions
@ -1 +1,2 @@
module U = Vif_u
module C = Vif_c
@ -1 +1,68 @@
module U = Vif_u
module U : sig
type 'a atom = 'a Tyre.t
type ('f, 'r) path
val rel : ('r, 'r) path
val host : string -> ('r, 'r) path
val ( / ) : ('f, 'r) path -> string -> ('f, 'r) path
val ( /% ) : ('f, 'a -> 'r) path -> 'a atom -> ('f, 'r) path
type ('f, 'r) query
val nil : ('r, 'r) query
val any : ('r, 'r) query
val ( ** ) : string * 'a atom -> ('f, 'r) query -> ('a -> 'f, 'r) query
type ('f, 'r) t
val ( /? ) : ('f, 'x) path -> ('x, 'r) query -> ('f, 'r) t
val ( //? ) : ('f, 'x) path -> ('x, 'r) query -> ('f, 'r) t
val ( /?? ) : ('f, 'x) path -> ('x, 'r) query -> ('f, 'r) t
val keval : ('f, 'r) t -> (string -> 'r) -> 'f
val eval : ('f, string) t -> 'f
module C : sig
(** Module [C] implements the {b c}lient part of the HTTP protocol. *)
type body
type response
type resolver =
[ `Happy of Happy_eyeballs_miou_unix.t
| `User of Httpcats.resolver
| `System ]
val request :
?config:[ `HTTP_1_1 of H1.Config.t | `H2 of H2.Config.t ]
-> ?tls_config:Tls.Config.client
-> ?authenticator:X509.Authenticator.t
-> ?meth:H1.Method.t
-> ?headers:(string * string) list
-> ?body:body
-> ?max_redirect:int
-> ?follow_redirect:bool
-> ?resolver:resolver
-> ('a, response) U.t
-> 'a
(** {3:example-client Examples.}
open Vif
(* https://raw.githubusercontent.com/<org>/<repository>/refs/heads/<branch>/README.md *)
let readme =
let open U in
host "raw.githubusercontent.com"
/% Tyre.string
/% Tyre.string
/ "refs"
/ "heads"
/% Tyre.string
/ "README.md"
let get_readme ?(branch = "main") ~org ~repository () =
C.request ~meth:`GET readme org repository branch
]} *)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
type body = |
type response = unit
exception Client_error of Httpcats.error
type resolver =
[ `Happy of Happy_eyeballs_miou_unix.t | `User of Httpcats.resolver | `System ]
let request ?config ?tls_config ?authenticator ?meth ?headers ?body:_
?max_redirect ?follow_redirect ?resolver t =
let f _meta _response a _chunk = a in
let fn uri =
let res =
Httpcats.request ?config ?tls_config ?authenticator ?meth ?headers
?max_redirect ?follow_redirect ?resolver ~f ~uri ()
match res with
| Ok (_response, ()) -> ()
| Error (#Httpcats.error as err) -> raise (Client_error err)
Vif_u.keval t fn
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
type 'a atom = 'a Tyre.Internal.wit
let atom re = Tyre.Internal.build re
let slash = Re.char '/'
let comma = Re.char ','
let list ?m ~component n re =
let open Re in
match component with
| `Path -> repn (seq [ slash; re ]) n m
| `Query_value ->
if n = 0 then alt [ epsilon; seq [ re; repn (seq [ comma; re ]) 0 m ] ]
else seq [ re; repn (seq [ comma; re ]) (n - 1) m ]
let atom_path : type a. int -> a Tyre.Internal.raw -> int * a atom * Re.t =
let open Re in
fun i -> function
| Rep e ->
let _, w, re = atom 1 e in
( i + 1
, Rep (i, w, Re.compile re)
, group (list ~component:`Path 0 (no_group re)) )
| Opt e ->
let i', w, re = atom i e in
let id, re = mark re in
(i', Opt (id, w), seq [ alt [ epsilon; seq [ slash; re ] ] ])
| e ->
let i', w, re = atom i e in
(i', w, seq [ slash; re ])
@ -1,34 +1,26 @@
type 'a atom = 'a Tyre.t
module Types = struct
type ('fu, 'return) path =
| Host : string -> ('r, 'r) path
| Rel : ('r, 'r) path
| Path_const : ('f, 'r) path * string -> ('f, 'r) path
| Path_atom : ('f, 'a -> 'r) path * 'a atom -> ('f, 'r) path
type ('fu, 'return) path =
| Host : string -> ('r, 'r) path
| Rel : ('r, 'r) path
| Path_const : ('f, 'r) path * string -> ('f, 'r) path
| Path_atom : ('f, 'a -> 'r) path * 'a atom -> ('f, 'r) path
type ('fu, 'return) query =
| Nil : ('r, 'r) query
| Any : ('r, 'r) query
| Query_atom : string * 'a atom * ('f, 'r) query -> ('a -> 'f, 'r) query
type ('fu, 'return) query =
| Nil : ('r, 'r) query
| Any : ('r, 'r) query
| Query_atom : string * 'a atom * ('f, 'r) query -> ('a -> 'f, 'r) query
type slash = Slash | No_slash | Maybe_slash
type ('f, 'r) url =
| Url : slash * ('f, 'x) path * ('x, 'r) query -> ('f, 'r) url
type slash = Slash | No_slash | Maybe_slash
type ('f, 'r) t = Url : slash * ('f, 'x) path * ('x, 'r) query -> ('f, 'r) t
module Path = struct
type ('f, 'r) t = ('f, 'r) Types.path
open Types
let host str = Host str
let relative = Rel
let add path str = Path_const (path, str)
let add_atom path atom = Path_atom (path, atom)
let rec _concat : type f r x. (f, x) t -> (x, r) t -> (f, r) t =
let rec _concat : type f r x. (f, x) path -> (x, r) path -> (f, r) path =
fun p1 p2 ->
match p2 with
| Host _ -> p1
@ -38,20 +30,16 @@ module Path = struct
module Query = struct
type ('f, 'r) t = ('f, 'r) Types.query
open Types
let nil : _ t = Nil
let nil : _ query = Nil
let any = Any
let add n x query = Query_atom (n, x, query)
let rec make_any : type f r. (f, r) t -> (f, r) t = function
let rec make_any : type f r. (f, r) query -> (f, r) query = function
| Nil -> Any
| Any -> Any
| Query_atom (n, x, q) -> Query_atom (n, x, make_any q)
let rec _concat : type f r x. (f, x) t -> (x, r) t -> (f, r) t =
let rec _concat : type f r x. (f, x) query -> (x, r) query -> (f, r) query =
fun q1 q2 ->
match q1 with
| Nil -> q2
@ -60,17 +48,9 @@ module Query = struct
module Url = struct
type ('f, 'r) t = ('f, 'r) Types.url
open Types
let make ?(slash = No_slash) path query : _ t = Url (slash, path, query)
type ('f, 'r) path = ('f, 'r) Path.t
type ('f, 'r) query = ('f, 'r) Query.t
type ('f, 'r) t = ('f, 'r) Url.t
let nil = Query.nil
let any = Query.any
let ( ** ) (n, x) q = Query.add n x q
@ -89,7 +69,7 @@ let eval_top_atom : type a. a Tyre.Internal.raw -> a -> string list = function
| e -> fun x -> [ eval_atom e x ]
let rec eval_path : type r f.
(f, r) Path.t -> (string option -> string list -> r) -> f =
(f, r) path -> (string option -> string list -> r) -> f =
fun p k ->
match p with
| Host str -> k (Some str) []
@ -100,7 +80,7 @@ let rec eval_path : type r f.
eval_path p fn
let rec eval_query : type r f.
(f, r) Query.t -> ((string * string list) list -> r) -> f =
(f, r) query -> ((string * string list) list -> r) -> f =
fun q k ->
match q with
| Nil -> k []
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