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6 changed files with 75 additions and 100 deletions
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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
# Vif, a small framework for building a web server from an OCaml script
**disclaimer**: Please note that this is an experimental project. It's also an
opportunity to build something that can be satisfying for web development.
However, we do not recommend using this project in production.
Vif is a small program that runs an OCaml script and launches a Web server from
it. The main idea is to be able to set up a typed Web server as quickly as
possible (note that we use [hurl][hurl], an HTTP client in OCaml)
$ opam pin add -y
$ opam pin add -y
$ opam install vif hurl
$ cat > <<EOF
#require "vif" ;;
let default req target server () =
let headers = [ "content-type", "text/html" ] in
Vif.Response.with_string ~headers server `OK "Hello World!\n"
let () =
| @@ fun () ->
| ~default [] ()
$ vif --pid &
$ hurl http://localhost:8080/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
connection: close
content-length: 13
content-type: text/html
Hello World!
$ kill -SIGINT $(cat
@ -158,10 +158,18 @@ let handle stop cfg fn =
Log.debug (fun m -> m "Start a non-tweaked HTTP/1.1 server");
Log.debug (fun m -> m "Start a non-tweaked HTTP/1.1 server");
Httpcats.Server.clear ?stop ~handler:fn cfg.sockaddr
Httpcats.Server.clear ?stop ~handler:fn cfg.sockaddr
let store_pid = function
| None -> ()
| Some v ->
let oc = open_out (Fpath.to_string v) in
output_string oc (string_of_int (Unix.getpid ()));
close_out oc
let run ?(cfg = Vif_options.config_from_globals ()) ?(devices = Ds.[]) ~default
let run ?(cfg = Vif_options.config_from_globals ()) ?(devices = Ds.[]) ~default
routes user's_value =
routes user's_value =
let interactive = !Sys.interactive in
let interactive = !Sys.interactive in
let domains = Miou.Domain.available () in
let domains = Miou.Domain.available () in
let stop =
let stop =
match interactive with
match interactive with
| true ->
| true ->
@ -240,7 +240,8 @@ end
type config
type config
val config :
val config :
-> ?http:
[ `H1 of H1.Config.t
[ `H1 of H1.Config.t
| `H2 of H2.Config.t
| `H2 of H2.Config.t
| `Both of H1.Config.t * H2.Config.t ]
| `Both of H1.Config.t * H2.Config.t ]
@ -7,9 +7,10 @@ type config = {
; tls: Tls.Config.server option
; tls: Tls.Config.server option
; backlog: int
; backlog: int
; sockaddr: Unix.sockaddr
; sockaddr: Unix.sockaddr
; pid: Fpath.t option
let config ?http ?tls ?(backlog = 64) sockaddr =
let config ?pid ?http ?tls ?(backlog = 64) sockaddr =
let http =
let http =
match http with
match http with
| Some (`H1 cfg) -> Some (`HTTP_1_1 cfg)
| Some (`H1 cfg) -> Some (`HTTP_1_1 cfg)
@ -17,4 +18,4 @@ let config ?http ?tls ?(backlog = 64) sockaddr =
| Some (`Both (h1, h2)) -> Some (`Both (h1, h2))
| Some (`Both (h1, h2)) -> Some (`Both (h1, h2))
| None -> None
| None -> None
{ http; tls; backlog; sockaddr }
{ http; tls; backlog; sockaddr; pid }
@ -2,15 +2,17 @@ let error_msgf fmt = Fmt.kstr (fun msg -> Error (`Msg msg)) fmt
let port = ref 8080
let port = ref 8080
let inet_addr = ref Unix.inet_addr_loopback
let inet_addr = ref Unix.inet_addr_loopback
let backlog = ref 64
let backlog = ref 64
let pid = ref None
let setup_config port' inet_addr' backlog' =
let setup_config port' inet_addr' backlog' pid' =
port := port';
port := port';
inet_addr := inet_addr';
inet_addr := inet_addr';
backlog := backlog'
backlog := backlog';
pid := pid'
let config_from_globals () =
let config_from_globals () =
let sockaddr = Unix.(ADDR_INET (!inet_addr, !port)) in
let sockaddr = Unix.(ADDR_INET (!inet_addr, !port)) in
Vif_config.config ~backlog:!backlog sockaddr
Vif_config.config ?pid:!pid ~backlog:!backlog sockaddr
open Cmdliner
open Cmdliner
@ -32,6 +34,22 @@ let inet_addr =
& opt inet_addr Unix.inet_addr_loopback
& opt inet_addr Unix.inet_addr_loopback
& info [ "i"; "inet-addr" ] ~doc ~docv:"INET_ADDR"
& info [ "i"; "inet-addr" ] ~doc ~docv:"INET_ADDR"
let pid =
let doc = "Specify a file to record its process-id in." in
let non_existing_file =
let parser str =
match Fpath.of_string str with
| Ok _ as v when Sys.file_exists str = false -> v
| Ok v -> error_msgf "%a already exists" Fpath.pp v
| Error _ as err -> err
Arg.conv (parser, Fpath.pp)
let open Arg in
& opt (some non_existing_file) None
& info [ "pid-file" ] ~doc ~docv:"PATH"
let backlog =
let backlog =
let doc =
let doc =
"The limit of outstanding connections in the socket's listen queue."
"The limit of outstanding connections in the socket's listen queue."
@ -41,4 +59,4 @@ let backlog =
let setup_config =
let setup_config =
let open Term in
let open Term in
const setup_config $ port $ inet_addr $ backlog
const setup_config $ port $ inet_addr $ backlog $ pid
@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
#require "miou.unix"
#require "mirage-crypto-rng-miou-unix"
#require "vif"
#require "digestif.c"
#require "base64"
type cfg = Config
let index _req server Config =
Vif.Response.with_string server `OK "Hello from an OCaml script!"
let hex _req arg server Config =
Vif.Response.with_string server `OK (Fmt.str "%02x\n%!" arg)
let digest req server Config =
let ic = Vif.Request.to_stream req in
let rec go ctx =
match Vif.Stream.get ic with
| Some str -> go (Digestif.SHA1.feed_string ctx str)
| None -> Digestif.SHA1.get ctx
let hash = go Digestif.SHA1.empty in
let hash = Digestif.SHA1.to_hex hash in
Vif.Response.with_string server `OK hash
let random req len server Config =
let buf = Bytes.create 0x7ff in
Vif.Response.with_stream server `OK @@ fun oc ->
let rec go rem =
if rem > 0 then begin
let len = Int.min rem (Bytes.length buf) in
Mirage_crypto_rng.generate_into buf len;
let str = Bytes.sub_string buf 0 len in
let str = Base64.encode_exn str in
Vif.Stream.put oc str;
go (rem - len)
go len
type foo = { username: string; password: string; age: int option }
let foo =
let open Json_encoding in
let username = req "username" string in
let password = req "password" string in
let age = opt "age" int in
let foo = obj3 username password age in
let inj (username, password, age) = { username; password; age } in
let prj { username; password; age } = (username, password, age) in
conv prj inj foo
let login req server Config =
match Vif.Request.to_json req with
| Ok (foo : foo) ->
Logs.debug (fun m -> m "username: %s" foo.username);
Logs.debug (fun m -> m "password: %s" foo.password);
Vif.Response.with_string server `OK "Foo"
| Error (`Msg err) ->
Logs.err (fun m -> m "Invalid JSON: %s" err);
Vif.Response.with_string server `Not_acceptable err
let routes =
let open Vif.U in
let open Vif.R in
let open Vif.Content_type in
get (rel /?? nil) --> index
; get (rel / "random" /% /?? nil) --> random
; get (rel / "hex" /% /?? nil) --> hex
; post any (rel / "digest" /?? nil) --> digest
; post (json_encoding foo) (rel / "json" /?? nil) --> login
let default req target server Config =
Logs.debug (fun m -> m "We are into the default case");
Vif.Response.with_string server `Not_found (Fmt.str "%S not found\n%!" target)
let rng =
let open Mirage_crypto_rng_miou_unix in
let finally = kill in
Vif.D.device ~name:"rng" ~finally [] @@ fun Config ->
initialize (module Pfortuna)
let () =
|||||| @@ fun () ->
let sockaddr = Unix.(ADDR_INET (inet_addr_loopback, 8080)) in
let cfg = Vif.config sockaddr in
|||||| ~cfg ~default ~devices:Vif.Ds.[ rng ] routes Config
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