let src = Logs.Src.create "vif.meta" module Log = (val Logs.src_log src : Logs.LOG) let error_msgf fmt = Format.kasprintf (fun msg -> Error (`Msg msg)) fmt type t = | Node of { name: string; value: string; contents: t list } (* [name] "[value]" ( [contents] ), like [package "lib" ( ... )] *) | Set of { name: string; predicates: predicate list; value: string } (* [name] [(...) as predicates] = [value], like [archive(native) = "lib.cmxa"]*) | Add of { name: string; predicates: predicate list; value: string } (* [name] [(...) as predicates] = [value], like [archive(native) += "lib.cmxa"]*) and predicate = Include of string | Exclude of string let pp_predicate ppf = function | Include p -> Format.pp_print_string ppf p | Exclude p -> Format.fprintf ppf "-%s" p let rec pp ppf = function | Node { name; value; contents } -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s %S (@\n@[<2>%a@]@\n)" name value Fmt.(list ~sep:(any "@\n") pp) contents | Set { name; predicates= []; value } -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s = %S" name value | Set { name; predicates; value } -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s(%a) = %S" name Fmt.(list ~sep:(any ",") pp_predicate) predicates value | Add { name; predicates= []; value } -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s += %S" name value | Add { name; predicates; value } -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s(%a) += %S" name Fmt.(list ~sep:(any ",") pp_predicate) predicates value module Assoc = struct type t = (string * string list) list let add k v t = match List.assoc_opt k t with | Some vs -> let vs = List.sort_uniq String.compare (v :: vs) in (k, vs) :: List.remove_assoc k t | None -> (k, [ v ]) :: t let set k v t = match List.assoc_opt k t with | Some _ -> (k, [ v ]) :: List.remove_assoc k t | None -> (k, [ v ]) :: t end module Path = struct type t = string list let of_string str = let str = String.trim str in let pkg = String.split_on_char '.' str in let rec go = function | [] -> Ok pkg | "" :: _ -> error_msgf "Invalid package name: %S" str | _ :: rest -> go rest in go pkg let of_string_exn str = match of_string str with | Ok pkg -> pkg | Error (`Msg msg) -> invalid_arg msg let pp ppf pkg = Format.fprintf ppf "%S" (String.concat "." pkg) let equal a b = try List.for_all2 String.equal a b with _ -> false end let compile ~predicates t ks = let incl ps = let one = function | Include p -> List.exists (String.equal p) predicates | Exclude p -> not (List.exists (String.equal p) predicates) in List.exists one ps in let find_directory contents = let rec go result = function | [] -> result | Add { name= "directory"; predicates= []; value } :: rest -> if Option.is_none result then go (Some value) rest else go result rest | Add { name= "directory"; predicates; value } :: rest -> if incl predicates && Option.is_none result then go (Some value) rest else go result rest | Set { name= "directory"; predicates= []; value } :: rest -> go (Some value) rest | Set { name= "directory"; predicates; value } :: rest -> if incl predicates then go (Some value) rest else go result rest | _ :: rest -> go result rest in go None contents in let rec go ~directory acc t = function | [] -> let rec go acc = function | [] -> let acc = List.remove_assoc "directory" acc in ("directory", [ directory ]) :: acc | Node _ :: rest -> go acc rest | Add { name; predicates= []; value } :: rest -> go (Assoc.add name value acc) rest | Set { name; predicates= []; value } :: rest -> go (Assoc.set name value acc) rest | Add { name; predicates; value } :: rest -> if incl predicates then go (Assoc.add name value acc) rest else go acc rest | Set { name; predicates; value } :: rest -> if incl predicates then go (Assoc.set name value acc) rest else go acc rest in go acc t | k :: ks -> begin match t with | [] -> acc | Node { name= "package"; value; contents } :: rest -> let directory' = match find_directory contents with | Some v -> Filename.concat directory v | None -> directory in if k = value then go ~directory:directory' acc contents ks else go ~directory acc rest (k :: ks) | _ :: rest -> go ~directory acc rest (k :: ks) end in go ~directory:"" [] t ks exception Parser_error of string let raise_parser_error lexbuf fmt = let p = Lexing.lexeme_start_p lexbuf in let c = p.Lexing.pos_cnum - p.Lexing.pos_bol + 1 in Format.kasprintf (fun msg -> raise (Parser_error msg)) ("%s (l.%d c.%d): " ^^ fmt) p.Lexing.pos_fname p.Lexing.pos_lnum c let pp_token ppf = function | Vif_meta_lexer.Name name -> Format.pp_print_string ppf name | String str -> Format.fprintf ppf "%S" str | Minus -> Format.pp_print_string ppf "-" | Lparen -> Format.pp_print_string ppf "(" | Rparen -> Format.pp_print_string ppf ")" | Comma -> Format.pp_print_string ppf "," | Equal -> Format.pp_print_string ppf "=" | Plus_equal -> Format.pp_print_string ppf "+=" | Eof -> Format.pp_print_string ppf "#eof" let invalid_token lexbuf token = raise_parser_error lexbuf "Invalid token %a" pp_token token let lparen lexbuf = match Vif_meta_lexer.token lexbuf with | Lparen -> () | token -> invalid_token lexbuf token let name lexbuf = match Vif_meta_lexer.token lexbuf with | Name name -> name | token -> invalid_token lexbuf token let string lexbuf = match Vif_meta_lexer.token lexbuf with | String str -> str | token -> invalid_token lexbuf token let rec predicates lexbuf acc = match Vif_meta_lexer.token lexbuf with | Rparen -> List.rev acc | Name predicate -> begin match Vif_meta_lexer.token lexbuf with | Comma -> predicates lexbuf (Include predicate :: acc) | Rparen -> List.rev (Include predicate :: acc) | token -> invalid_token lexbuf token end | Minus -> let predicate = name lexbuf in begin match Vif_meta_lexer.token lexbuf with | Comma -> predicates lexbuf (Exclude predicate :: acc) | Rparen -> List.rev (Exclude predicate :: acc) | token -> invalid_token lexbuf token end | token -> invalid_token lexbuf token let rec parser lexbuf depth acc = match Vif_meta_lexer.token lexbuf with | Rparen when depth > 0 -> List.rev acc | Rparen -> raise_parser_error lexbuf "Closing parenthesis without matching opening one" | Eof when depth = 0 -> List.rev acc | Eof -> raise_parser_error lexbuf "%d closing parenthesis missing" depth | Name name -> begin match Vif_meta_lexer.token lexbuf with | String value -> lparen lexbuf; let contents = parser lexbuf (succ depth) [] in parser lexbuf depth (Node { name; value; contents } :: acc) | Equal -> let value = string lexbuf in parser lexbuf depth (Set { name; predicates= []; value } :: acc) | Plus_equal -> let value = string lexbuf in parser lexbuf depth (Add { name; predicates= []; value } :: acc) | Lparen -> let predicates = predicates lexbuf [] in begin match Vif_meta_lexer.token lexbuf with | Equal -> let value = string lexbuf in parser lexbuf depth (Set { name; predicates; value } :: acc) | Plus_equal -> let value = string lexbuf in parser lexbuf depth (Add { name; predicates; value } :: acc) | token -> invalid_token lexbuf token end | token -> invalid_token lexbuf token end | token -> invalid_token lexbuf token let parser lexbuf = try Ok (parser lexbuf 0 []) with | Parser_error err -> Error (`Msg err) | Vif_meta_lexer.Lexical_error (msg, f, l, c) -> error_msgf "%s at l.%d, c.%d: %s" f l c msg let parser path = let ( let@ ) finally fn = Fun.protect ~finally fn in let ic = open_in path in let@ _ = fun () -> close_in ic in let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel ic in Lexing.set_filename lexbuf path; parser lexbuf let rec incl us vs = match (us, vs) with | u :: us, v :: vs -> if u = v then incl us vs else false | [], _ | _, [] -> true let rec diff us vs = match (us, vs) with | u :: us, v :: vs -> if u = v then diff us vs else error_msgf "Different paths (%S <> %S)" u v | [], x | x, [] -> Ok x let is_prefix ~prefix path = if not (String.starts_with ~prefix path) then false else let suff_start = String.length prefix in prefix.[suff_start - 1] = Filename.dir_sep.[0] || suff_start = String.length path || path.[suff_start] = Filename.dir_sep.[0] let segs_to_path segs = String.concat Filename.dir_sep segs let segs_of_path = String.split_on_char Filename.dir_sep.[0] let rem_empty_seg p = match String.length p with | 1 -> p | 2 -> if p.[0] <> Filename.dir_sep.[0] && p.[1] = Filename.dir_sep.[0] then String.make 1 p.[0] else p | len -> let max = len - 1 in if p.[max] <> Filename.dir_sep.[0] then p else String.sub p 0 (max - 1) let to_dir_path location = if Filename.check_suffix location "/" then location else location ^ "/" let is_dir_path = Filename.check_suffix Filename.dir_sep let relativize ~root p = if String.equal root p then Some (segs_to_path (if is_dir_path p then [ "."; "" ] else [ "." ])) else let root = if String.length root > 0 && root.[String.length root - 1] = Filename.dir_sep.[0] then root else root ^ Filename.dir_sep in let rec go root p = match (root, p) with | ".." :: _, s :: _ when s <> ".." -> None | sr :: root, sp :: (_ :: _ as p) when sr = sp -> go root p | [ "" ], [ "" ] -> Some (segs_to_path [ "."; "" ]) | root, p -> let segs = List.fold_left (fun acc _ -> ".." :: acc) p (List.tl root) in Some (segs_to_path segs) in match (segs_of_path root, segs_of_path p) with | "" :: _, s :: _ when s <> "" -> None | s :: _, "" :: _ when s <> "" -> None | [ "."; "" ], p -> Some (segs_to_path p) | root, p -> go root p let relativize ~roots path = let rec go = function | [] -> assert false | root :: roots -> if is_prefix ~prefix:root path then match relativize ~root path with | Some rel -> (root, rel) | None -> go roots else go roots in go roots let ( / ) = Filename.concat module Map = Map.Make (String) let search ~roots ?(predicates = [ "native"; "byte" ]) meta_path = let ( >>= ) = Result.bind in let ( >>| ) x f = Result.map f x in let elements path = let path = Fpath.to_string path in if Sys.is_directory path then Ok false else if Filename.basename path = "META" then Ok true else Ok false in let traverse path = let path = Fpath.to_string path in if List.exists (String.equal path) roots then Ok true else begin let _, rel = relativize ~roots path in let meta_path' = segs_of_path rel in Ok (incl meta_path meta_path') end in let fold path acc = let path = Fpath.to_string path in let root, rel = relativize ~roots path in let package = rem_empty_seg (Filename.dirname rel) in let meta_path' = segs_of_path package in match diff meta_path meta_path' >>= fun ks -> parser path >>| fun meta -> compile ~predicates meta ks with | Ok descr -> Log.debug (fun m -> m "add %s" (root / Filename.dirname rel)); Log.debug (fun m -> m "%a" Fmt.(Dump.list (Dump.pair string (Dump.list string))) descr); Map.add (root / Filename.dirname rel) descr acc | Error (`Msg msg) -> Log.warn (fun m -> m "Impossible to extract the META file of %s: %s" path msg); acc in let err _path _ = Ok () in Bos.OS.Path.fold ~err ~dotfiles:false ~elements:(`Sat elements) ~traverse:(`Sat traverse) fold Map.empty (List.map Fpath.v roots) >>| Map.bindings let dependencies_of (_path, descr) = Stdlib.Option.value ~default:[] (List.assoc_opt "requires" descr) |> List.map (Astring.String.cuts ~empty:false ~sep:" ") |> List.concat |> List.map Path.of_string_exn exception Cycle let get_dep (_, path, descr) graph = let deps = dependencies_of (path, descr) in List.map (fun name -> List.find (fun (name', _, _) -> Path.equal name name') graph) deps type graph = (Path.t * string * Assoc.t) list let dfs (graph : graph) visited start_node = let rec explore path visited node = if List.mem node path then raise Cycle else if List.mem node visited then visited else let new_path = node :: path in let edges = get_dep node graph in let visited = List.fold_left (explore new_path) visited edges in node :: visited in explore [] visited start_node let sort graph = List.fold_left (fun visited node -> dfs graph visited node) [] graph (* let sort libs = let rec go acc later todo progress = match (todo, later) with | [], [] -> List.rev acc | [], _ -> if progress then go acc [] later false else raise Cycle | ((_, path, descr) as x) :: r, _ -> let deps = dependencies_of (path, descr) in let deps_already_added = let fn dep = List.exists (equal_dep dep) acc in List.for_all fn deps in if deps_already_added then go (x :: acc) later r true else go acc (x :: later) r progress in let starts, todo = List.partition (fun (_, path, descr) -> dependencies_of (path, descr) = []) libs in go starts [] todo false *) let ancestors ~roots ?(predicates = [ "native"; "byte" ]) meta_path = let rec go acc visited = function | [] -> Ok acc | meta_path :: todo when List.mem meta_path visited -> go acc visited todo | meta_path :: todo -> ( match search ~roots ~predicates meta_path with | Ok pkgs -> let requires = List.concat (List.map dependencies_of pkgs) in let pkgs = List.map (fun (path, descr) -> (meta_path, path, descr)) pkgs in go (List.rev_append pkgs acc) (meta_path :: visited) (List.rev_append requires todo) | Error _ as err -> err) in let open Rresult in go [] [] [ meta_path ] >>| fun lst -> sort lst |> List.rev let to_artifacts pkgs = let ( let* ) = Result.bind in let fn acc (path, pkg) = match acc with | Error _ as err -> err | Ok acc -> let directory = List.assoc_opt "directory" pkg in let* directory = match directory with | Some [ dir ] -> Ok (path / dir) | Some _ -> error_msgf "Multiple directories referenced by %s" (path / "META") | None -> Ok path in let directory = to_dir_path directory in let archive = List.assoc_opt "archive" pkg in let archive = Stdlib.Option.value ~default:[] archive in let plugin = List.assoc_opt "plugin" pkg in let plugin = Stdlib.Option.value ~default:[] plugin in let archive = List.map (( / ) directory) archive in let plugin = List.map (( / ) directory) plugin in Ok List.(rev_append archive (rev_append plugin acc)) in let* paths = List.fold_left fn (Ok []) pkgs in Objinfo.vs paths open Cmdliner let directories = let doc = "The source directory containing the META files." in let parser str = match Fpath.of_string str with | Ok _ as v when Sys.file_exists str && Sys.is_directory str -> v | Ok v -> error_msgf "%a is not a directory or does not exist" Fpath.pp v | Error _ as err -> err in let open Arg in value & opt_all (conv (parser, Fpath.pp)) [] & info [ "I" ] ~doc ~docv:"DIRECTORY" let setup user's_directories = let cmd = Bos.Cmd.(v "ocamlfind" % "printconf" % "path") in let ( let* ) = Result.bind in let directories = let* exists = Bos.OS.Cmd.exists cmd in if exists then let r = Bos.OS.Cmd.run_out cmd in let* directories, _ = Bos.OS.Cmd.out_lines ~trim:true r in let directories = List.fold_left (fun acc path -> match Fpath.of_string path with | Ok path -> path :: acc | Error (`Msg _) -> Logs.warn (fun m -> m "ocamlfind returned an invalid path: %S" path); acc) [] directories in Ok directories else Ok [] in let directories = Result.value ~default:[] directories in List.rev_append directories user's_directories let setup = Term.(const setup $ directories)