Better errors

This commit is contained in:
Robur 2021-10-06 09:48:19 +00:00
parent b6f99bfb16
commit f1f0fe3229
2 changed files with 126 additions and 75 deletions

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@ -1,33 +1,62 @@
type credential_id = string
type json_decoding_error = [ `Json_decoding of string * string * string ]
type error = [
type decoding_error = [
| `Base64_decoding of string * string * string
| `CBOR_decoding of string * string * string
| `Unexpected_CBOR of string * string * CBOR.Simple.t
| `Binary_decoding of string * string * Cstruct.t
| `Attestation_object_decoding of string * string * string
type error = [
| `Unsupported_key_type of int
| `Unsupported_algorithm of int
| `Unsupported_elliptic_curve of int
| `Unsupported_attestation_format of string
| `Invalid_public_key of string
| `Client_data_type_mismatch of string
| `Origin_mismatch of string * string
| `Attestation_object of string
| `Rpid_hash_mismatch of string * string
| `Missing_credential_data
| `Msg of string
| `Signature_verification of string
let pp_error ppf = function
| `Json_decoding (ctx, msg, json) -> ppf "json decoding error in %s: %s (json: %s)" ctx msg json
| `Base64_decoding (ctx, msg, json) -> ppf "base64 decoding error in %s: %s (json: %s)" ctx msg json
| `Base64_decoding (ctx, msg, data) -> ppf "base64 decoding error in %s: %s (data: %s)" ctx msg data
| `CBOR_decoding (ctx, msg, data) -> ppf "cbor decoding error in %s: %s (data: %s)" ctx msg data
| `Unexpected_CBOR (ctx, msg, data) -> ppf "unexpected cbor in %s: %s (data: %s)" ctx msg (CBOR.Simple.to_diagnostic data)
| `Binary_decoding (ctx, msg, data) -> ppf "binary decoding error in %s: %s (data: %a)" ctx msg Cstruct.hexdump_pp data
| `Attestation_object_decoding (ctx, msg, data) -> ppf "attestation object decoding error in %s: %s (data: %s)" ctx msg data
| `Unsupported_key_type i -> ppf "unsupported cose key type %d" i
| `Unsupported_algorithm i -> ppf "unsupported cose algorithm %d" i
| `Unsupported_elliptic_curve i -> ppf "unsupported cose elliptic curve %d" i
| `Unsupported_attestation_format fmt -> ppf "unsupported attestation format %s" fmt
| `Invalid_public_key msg -> ppf "invalid public key %s" msg
| `Client_data_type_mismatch is -> ppf "client data type mismatch: received %s" is
| `Origin_mismatch (should, is) -> ppf "origin mismatch: expected %s, received %s" should is
| `Attestation_object msg -> ppf "attestation object error %s" msg
| `Rpid_hash_mismatch (should, is) -> ppf "rpid hash mismatch: expected %s received %s"
(Base64.encode_string should) (Base64.encode_string is)
| `Missing_credential_data -> Fmt.string ppf "missing credential data"
| `Msg msg -> ppf "error %s" msg
| `Signature_verification msg -> ppf "signature verification failed %s" msg
type t = {
origin : string;
@ -61,78 +90,89 @@ let base64url_string_of_yojson = function
|> Result.map_error (function `Msg m -> m)
| _ -> Error "base64url_string"
let extract_k_i map k : (_, string) result =
Option.to_result ~none:"key not present"
let extract_k_i ctx map k =
Option.to_result ~none:(`Unexpected_CBOR (ctx, "integer key not present: " ^ string_of_int k, `Map map))
( snd
(List.find_opt (fun (l, _) -> match l with `Int i -> i = k | _ -> false) map))
let extract_k_str map k =
Option.to_result ~none:"key not present"
let extract_k_str ctx map k =
Option.to_result ~none:(`Unexpected_CBOR (ctx, "string key not present: " ^ k, `Map map))
( snd
(List.find_opt (fun (l, _) -> match l with `Text s -> s = k | _ -> false) map))
let extract_int = function
let extract_int ctx = function
| `Int i -> Ok i
| _ -> Error "not an integer"
| c -> Error (`Unexpected_CBOR (ctx, "not an integer", c))
let extract_bytes = function
let extract_bytes ctx = function
| `Bytes b -> Ok b
| _ -> Error "not a bytes"
| c -> Error (`Unexpected_CBOR (ctx, "not bytes", c))
let extract_map = function
let extract_map ctx = function
| `Map b -> Ok b
| _ -> Error "not a map"
| c -> Error (`Unexpected_CBOR (ctx, "not a map", c))
let extract_array = function
let extract_array ctx = function
| `Array b -> Ok b
| _ -> Error "not an array"
| c -> Error (`Unexpected_CBOR (ctx, "not an array", c))
let extract_text = function
let extract_text ctx = function
| `Text s -> Ok s
| _ -> Error "not a text"
| c -> Error (`Unexpected_CBOR (ctx, "not a text", c))
let cose_pubkey cbor_data =
extract_map cbor_data >>= fun kv ->
extract_k_i kv 1 >>= extract_int >>= fun kty ->
guard (kty = 2) "unknown key type" >>= fun () ->
extract_k_i kv 3 >>= extract_int >>= fun alg ->
guard (alg = -7) "unknown algorithm" >>= fun () ->
extract_k_i kv (-1) >>= extract_int >>= fun crv ->
guard (crv = 1) "unknown elliptic curve" >>= fun () ->
extract_k_i kv (-2) >>= extract_bytes >>= fun x ->
extract_k_i kv (-3) >>= extract_bytes >>= fun y ->
extract_map "cose pubkey" cbor_data >>= fun kv ->
extract_k_i "cose pubkey kty" kv 1 >>= extract_int "cose pubkey kty" >>= fun kty ->
guard (kty = 2) (`Unsupported_key_type kty) >>= fun () ->
extract_k_i "cose pubkey alg" kv 3 >>= extract_int "cose pubkey alg" >>= fun alg ->
guard (alg = -7) (`Unsupported_algorithm alg) >>= fun () ->
extract_k_i "cose pubkey crv" kv (-1) >>= extract_int "cose pubkey crv" >>= fun crv ->
guard (crv = 1) (`Unsupported_elliptic_curve crv) >>= fun () ->
extract_k_i "cose pubkey x" kv (-2) >>= extract_bytes "cose pubkey x" >>= fun x ->
extract_k_i "cose pubkey y" kv (-3) >>= extract_bytes "cose pubkey y" >>= fun y ->
let four = Cstruct.create 1 in Cstruct.set_uint8 four 0 4;
let cs = Cstruct.concat [ four ; Cstruct.of_string x ; Cstruct.of_string y ] in
Result.map_error (Fmt.to_to_string Mirage_crypto_ec.pp_error)
(fun e -> `Invalid_public_key (Fmt.to_to_string Mirage_crypto_ec.pp_error e))
(Mirage_crypto_ec.P256.Dsa.pub_of_cstruct cs)
let decode_partial_cbor ctx data =
try Ok (CBOR.Simple.decode_partial data)
with CBOR.Error m -> Error (`CBOR_decoding (ctx, "failed to decode CBOR " ^ m, data))
let decode_cbor ctx data =
try Ok (CBOR.Simple.decode data)
with CBOR.Error m -> Error (`CBOR_decoding (ctx, "failed to decode CBOR " ^ m, data))
let guard_length ctx len cs =
guard (Cstruct.length cs >= len)
(`Binary_decoding (ctx, "too short (< " ^ string_of_int len ^ ")", cs))
let parse_attested_credential_data data =
guard (Cstruct.length data >= 18) "too short" >>= fun () ->
guard_length "attested credential data" 18 data >>= fun () ->
let aaguid = Cstruct.sub data 0 16 in
let cid_len = Cstruct.BE.get_uint16 data 16 in
let rest = Cstruct.shift data 18 in
guard (Cstruct.length rest >= cid_len) "too short" >>= fun () ->
guard_length "attested credential data" cid_len rest >>= fun () ->
let cid, pubkey = Cstruct.split rest cid_len in
(try Ok (CBOR.Simple.decode_partial (Cstruct.to_string pubkey))
with CBOR.Error m -> Error m) >>= fun (pubkey, rest) ->
decode_partial_cbor "public key" (Cstruct.to_string pubkey) >>= fun (pubkey, rest) ->
cose_pubkey pubkey >>= fun pubkey ->
Ok ((aaguid, cid, pubkey), Cstruct.of_string rest)
let string_keys kv =
let string_keys ctx kv =
List.fold_right (fun (k, v) acc ->
match acc, k with
| Error _ as e, _ -> e
| Ok xs, `Text t -> Ok ((t, v) :: xs)
| _, _ -> Error "Map does contain non-text keys")
| _, _ -> Error (`Unexpected_CBOR (ctx, "Map does contain non-text keys", `Map kv)))
kv (Ok [])
let parse_extension_data data =
(try Ok (CBOR.Simple.decode_partial (Cstruct.to_string data))
with CBOR.Error m -> Error m) >>= fun (data, rest) ->
extract_map data >>= fun kv ->
string_keys kv >>= fun kv ->
decode_partial_cbor "extension data" (Cstruct.to_string data) >>= fun (data, rest) ->
extract_map "extension data" data >>= fun kv ->
string_keys "extension data" kv >>= fun kv ->
Ok (kv, Cstruct.of_string rest)
type auth_data = {
rpid_hash : Cstruct.t ;
user_present : bool ;
@ -144,11 +184,11 @@ type auth_data = {
let flags byte =
let b i = byte land (1 lsl i) <> 0 in
b 0, b 2, b 6, b 7
b 0, b 2, b 6, b 7
let parse_auth_data data =
let data = Cstruct.of_string data in
guard (Cstruct.length data >= 37) "too short" >>= fun () ->
guard_length "authenticator data" 37 data >>= fun () ->
let rpid_hash = Cstruct.sub data 0 32 in
let user_present, user_verified, attested_data_included, extension_data_included =
flags (Cstruct.get_uint8 data 32)
@ -161,36 +201,35 @@ let parse_auth_data data =
(if extension_data_included then (fun (d, r) -> Some d, r) (parse_extension_data rest)
else Ok (None, rest)) >>= fun (extension_data, rest) ->
guard (Cstruct.length rest = 0) "too long" >>= fun () ->
guard (Cstruct.length rest = 0) (`Binary_decoding ("authenticator data", "leftover", rest)) >>= fun () ->
Ok { rpid_hash ; user_present ; user_verified ; sign_count ; attested_credential_data ; extension_data }
let parse_attestation_statement fmt data =
match fmt with
| "none" -> if data = [] then Ok None else Error "bad attestation data (format = none, map must be empty)"
| "none" when data = [] -> Ok None
| "none" -> Error (`Unexpected_CBOR ("attestion statement", "format is none, map must be empty", `Map data))
| "fido-u2f" ->
extract_k_str data "x5c" >>= extract_array >>= fun cert ->
extract_k_str data "sig" >>= extract_bytes >>= fun signature ->
extract_k_str "attestation statement" data "x5c" >>= extract_array "attestation statement x5c" >>= fun cert ->
extract_k_str "attestation statement" data "sig" >>= extract_bytes "attestation statemnt sig" >>= fun signature ->
begin match cert with
| [ c ] ->
extract_bytes c >>= fun c ->
Result.map_error (fun (`Msg m) -> m) (X509.Certificate.decode_der (Cstruct.of_string c))
| _ -> Error "expected single certificate"
extract_bytes "attestation statement x5c" c >>= fun c ->
(function `Msg m -> `Attestation_object_decoding ("attestation statement x5c", m, String.escaped c))
(X509.Certificate.decode_der (Cstruct.of_string c))
| cs -> Error (`Attestation_object_decoding ("attestation statement x5c", "expected single certificate", String.concat "," ( CBOR.Simple.to_diagnostic cs)))
end >>= fun cert ->
Ok (Some (cert, signature))
| _ -> Error "bad attestation format"
| x -> Error (`Unsupported_attestation_format x)
let parse_attestation_object data =
match CBOR.Simple.decode data with
| `Map kv ->
extract_k_str kv "fmt" >>= extract_text >>= fun fmt ->
guard (fmt = "none" || fmt = "fido-u2f") "unsupported format" >>= fun () ->
extract_k_str kv "authData" >>= extract_bytes >>= fun auth_data ->
extract_k_str kv "attStmt" >>= extract_map >>= fun attestation_statement ->
parse_auth_data auth_data >>= fun auth_data ->
parse_attestation_statement fmt attestation_statement >>= fun attestation_statement ->
Ok (auth_data, attestation_statement)
| _ -> Error "bad attestationObject CBOR"
| exception CBOR.Error m -> Error m
decode_cbor "attestation object" data >>= extract_map "attestation object" >>= fun kv ->
extract_k_str "attestation object" kv "fmt" >>= extract_text "attestation object fmt" >>= fun fmt ->
extract_k_str "attestation object" kv "authData" >>= extract_bytes "attestation object authData" >>= fun auth_data ->
extract_k_str "attestation object" kv "attStmt" >>= extract_map "attestation object attStmt" >>= fun attestation_statement ->
parse_auth_data auth_data >>= fun auth_data ->
parse_attestation_statement fmt attestation_statement >>= fun attestation_statement ->
Ok (auth_data, attestation_statement)
let of_json_or_err thing p json =
@ -215,7 +254,7 @@ let json_string thing : Yojson.Safe.t -> (string, _) result = function
let json_assoc thing : Yojson.Safe.t -> ((string * Yojson.Safe.t) list, _) result = function
| `Assoc s -> Ok s
| json -> Error (`Json_decoding (thing, "non-string", Yojson.Safe.to_string json))
| json -> Error (`Json_decoding (thing, "non-assoc", Yojson.Safe.to_string json))
(* XXX: verify [origin] is in fact an origin *)
let create origin = { origin }
@ -267,8 +306,7 @@ let register t response =
guard (String.equal t.origin origin)
(`Origin_mismatch (t.origin, origin)) >>= fun () ->
json_get "clientExtensions" client_data >>= json_assoc "clientExtensions" >>= fun client_extensions ->
Result.map_error (fun m -> `Attestation_object m)
(parse_attestation_object response.attestation_object) >>= fun (auth_data, attestation_statement) ->
parse_attestation_object response.attestation_object >>= fun (auth_data, attestation_statement) ->
let rpid_hash = Mirage_crypto.Hash.SHA256.digest (Cstruct.of_string (rpid t)) in
guard (Cstruct.equal auth_data.rpid_hash rpid_hash)
(`Rpid_hash_mismatch (Cstruct.to_string rpid_hash, Cstruct.to_string auth_data.rpid_hash)) >>= fun () ->
@ -285,7 +323,8 @@ let register t response =
let pk = X509.Certificate.public_key cert
and signature = Cstruct.of_string signature
X509.Public_key.verify `SHA256 ~signature pk (`Message sigdata) >>= fun () ->
Result.map_error (function `Msg m -> `Signature_verification m)
(X509.Public_key.verify `SHA256 ~signature pk (`Message sigdata)) >>= fun () ->
Ok (Some cert)
end >>= fun certificate ->
(* check attestation cert, maybe *)
@ -343,15 +382,15 @@ let authenticate t public_key response =
guard (String.equal t.origin origin)
(`Origin_mismatch (t.origin, origin)) >>= fun () ->
json_get "clientExtensions" client_data >>= json_assoc "clientExtensions" >>= fun client_extensions ->
Result.map_error (fun m -> `Msg m)
(parse_auth_data response.authenticator_data) >>= fun auth_data ->
parse_auth_data response.authenticator_data >>= fun auth_data ->
let rpid_hash = Mirage_crypto.Hash.SHA256.digest (Cstruct.of_string (rpid t)) in
guard (Cstruct.equal auth_data.rpid_hash rpid_hash)
(`Rpid_hash_mismatch (Cstruct.to_string rpid_hash, Cstruct.to_string auth_data.rpid_hash)) >>= fun () ->
let sigdata = Cstruct.concat [ Cstruct.of_string response.authenticator_data ; client_data_hash ]
and signature = Cstruct.of_string response.signature
X509.Public_key.verify `SHA256 ~signature (`P256 public_key) (`Message sigdata) >>= fun () ->
Result.map_error (function `Msg m -> `Signature_verification m)
(X509.Public_key.verify `SHA256 ~signature (`P256 public_key) (`Message sigdata)) >>= fun () ->
let authentication = {
user_present = auth_data.user_present ;
user_verified = auth_data.user_verified ;

View file

@ -6,15 +6,27 @@ val rpid : t -> string
type json_decoding_error = [ `Json_decoding of string * string * string ]
type error = [
type decoding_error = [
| `Base64_decoding of string * string * string
| `CBOR_decoding of string * string * string
| `Unexpected_CBOR of string * string * CBOR.Simple.t
| `Binary_decoding of string * string * Cstruct.t
| `Attestation_object_decoding of string * string * string
type error = [
| `Unsupported_key_type of int
| `Unsupported_algorithm of int
| `Unsupported_elliptic_curve of int
| `Unsupported_attestation_format of string
| `Invalid_public_key of string
| `Client_data_type_mismatch of string
| `Origin_mismatch of string * string
| `Attestation_object of string
| `Rpid_hash_mismatch of string * string
| `Missing_credential_data
| `Msg of string
| `Signature_verification of string
val pp_error : Format.formatter -> [< error ] -> unit