2023-11-15 10:07:36 +00:00

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How to add an article?

The Git repository contains 2 branches:

  • the main branch which has the blog engine
  • the gh-pages (as GitHub) which contains the generated website

The user can have an overview of the website via:

$ git clone
$ cd
$ opam pin add -yn .
$ opam install --deps-only blogger
$ dune exec src/blogger.exe -- watch

A little server run on http://localhost:8888.

The user can add an article into the articles/ directory. The format is easy. A simple header which starts with --- and finish with ---. Inside, you have a YAML description of the article where some fields are required:

  • date
  • article.title
  • article.description
  • tags

You can specify an author (with its name, email and link) or not. By default, we use If everything looks good, you can generate via the blogger.exe tool the generated website via:

$ dune exec src/blogger.exe -- push \
  [--name "The Robur team"] \

An SSH communication will starts. If you already registered your private key with ssh-agent and your .ssh/config is configured to take this one if you communicate with with, everything will be smooth! Et voilà! At the end, an HTTP request will be send to to update the unikernel with the last version of the blog.

You can also use the script to update the blog with the builder user on the server machine.

NOTE: don't forget #gh-pages! Also, you probably should do a git pull.