lib | ||
lib-lwt | ||
lib-solo5 | ||
test | ||
.gitignore | ||
.ocamlformat | ||
cachet-lwt.opam | ||
cachet-solo5.opam | ||
cachet.opam | ||
CHANGES.md | ||
dune-project | ||
LICENSE.md | ||
Cachet, a simple cache system for mmap
Cachet is a small library that provides a simple cache system for page-by-page read access on a block device. The cache system requires a map function, which can correspond to Unix.map_file.
Here's a simple example using Unix.map_file
let shared = true
let empty = Bigarray.Array1.create Bigarray.char Bigarray.c_layout 0
let map fd ~pos len =
let stat = Unix.fstat fd in
let len = Int.min len (stat.Unix.st_size - pos) in
if pos < stat.Unix.st_size
then let barr = Unix.map_file fd ~pos:(Int64.of_int pos)
Bigarray.char Bigarray.c_layout shared [| len |] in
Bigarray.array1_of_genarray barr
else empty
external getpagesize : unit -> int = "unix_getpagesize" [@@noalloc]
let () =
let fd = Unix.openfile "disk.img" Unix.[ O_RDONLY ] 0o644 in
let finally () = Unix.close fd in
Fun.protect ~finally @@ fun () ->
let cache = Cachet.make ~pagesize:(getpagesize ()) ~map fd in
let seq = Cachet.get_seq cache 0 in
Cachet and schedulers
Cachet is designed to treat the map
function as atomic. In other words: a
unit of work that is indivisible and guaranteed to be executed as a single,
coherent, and uninterrupted operation. Therefore, the load
function (used to
load a page) cannot be more cooperative (and give other tasks the opportunity to
run) than it already is.
Using Cachet with a scheduler requires addressing two issues:
- enabling cooperation after a page has been loaded
- the possibility of parallel loading of the page to ensure that other tasks can be executed
For the first point, with regard to Lwt or Async, it's essentially a question of
potentially adding Lwt.pause
or Async.yield
after using Cachet.load
the user-friendly functions):
let () = Lwt_main.run begin
let page = Cachet.load cache 0xdead in
let* () = Lwt.pause () in
... end
For the second point, only OCaml 5 and effects can answer this issue by using an effect which will notify the scheduler to read the page in parallel.
(* see [man 3 pread] *)
let map fd ~pos len = Effect.perform (Scheduler.Pread (fd, pos, len))
let () = Scheduler.run begin fun () ->
let fd = Unix.openfile "disk.img" Unix.[ O_RDONLY ] 0o644 in
let finally () = Unix.close fd in
Fun.protect ~finally @@ fun () ->
let cache = Cachet.make ~pagesize:(getpagesize ()) ~map fd in
let page = Cachet.load cache 0xdead in
Note that this is only effective if the page is read in parallel. If this is
not the case, adding a cooperation point as you could do with Lwt/Async is
enough. Reading a page remains atomic and allowing other tasks to run at
the same time as this reading implies that the latter must necessarily be done
in parallel (via a Thread
or a Domain
Finally, the Cachet documentation specifies how many pages we would need to read
to obtain the requested value. As a result, it's up to the user to know where
the cooperation point should be placed and whether it makes sense to use, for
example, get_string
or just use load
interspersed with cooperation points.