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type 'a atom = 'a Tyre.t
type ('fu, 'return) path =
| Host : string -> ('r, 'r) path
| Rel : ('r, 'r) path
| Path_const : ('f, 'r) path * string -> ('f, 'r) path
| Path_atom : ('f, 'a -> 'r) path * 'a atom -> ('f, 'r) path
type ('fu, 'return) query =
| Nil : ('r, 'r) query
| Any : ('r, 'r) query
| Query_atom : string * 'a atom * ('f, 'r) query -> ('a -> 'f, 'r) query
type slash = Slash | No_slash | Maybe_slash
type ('f, 'r) t = Url : slash * ('f, 'x) path * ('x, 'r) query -> ('f, 'r) t
module Path = struct
let host str = Host str
let relative = Rel
let add path str = Path_const (path, str)
let add_atom path atom = Path_atom (path, atom)
let rec _concat : type f r x. (f, x) path -> (x, r) path -> (f, r) path =
fun p1 p2 ->
match p2 with
| Host _ -> p1
| Rel -> p1
| Path_const (p, str) -> Path_const (_concat p1 p, str)
| Path_atom (p, a) -> Path_atom (_concat p1 p, a)
module Query = struct
let nil : _ query = Nil
let any = Any
let add n x query = Query_atom (n, x, query)
let rec make_any : type f r. (f, r) query -> (f, r) query = function
| Nil -> Any
| Any -> Any
| Query_atom (n, x, q) -> Query_atom (n, x, make_any q)
let rec _concat : type f r x. (f, x) query -> (x, r) query -> (f, r) query =
fun q1 q2 ->
match q1 with
| Nil -> q2
| Any -> make_any q2
| Query_atom (n, x, q) -> Query_atom (n, x, _concat q q2)
module Url = struct
let make ?(slash = No_slash) path query : _ t = Url (slash, path, query)
let nil = Query.nil
let any = Query.any
let ( ** ) (n, x) q = Query.add n x q
let host = Path.host
let rel = Path.relative
let ( / ) = Path.add
let ( /% ) = Path.add_atom
let ( /? ) path query = Url.make ~slash:No_slash path query
let ( //? ) path query = Url.make ~slash:Slash path query
let ( /?? ) path query = Url.make ~slash:Maybe_slash path query
let eval_atom p x = Tyre.(eval (Internal.to_t p) x)
let eval_top_atom : type a. a Tyre.Internal.raw -> a -> string list = function
| Opt p -> ( function None -> [] | Some x -> [ eval_atom p x ])
| Rep p -> fun l -> List.of_seq (Seq.map (eval_atom p) l)
| e -> fun x -> [ eval_atom e x ]
let rec eval_path : type r f.
(f, r) path -> (string option -> string list -> r) -> f =
fun p k ->
match p with
| Host str -> k (Some str) []
| Rel -> k None []
| Path_const (p, str) -> eval_path p (fun h r -> k h (str :: r))
| Path_atom (p, a) ->
let fn h r x = k h (eval_top_atom (Tyre.Internal.from_t a) x @ r) in
eval_path p fn
let rec eval_query : type r f.
(f, r) query -> ((string * string list) list -> r) -> f =
fun q k ->
match q with
| Nil -> k []
| Any -> k []
| Query_atom (n, a, q) ->
fun x ->
let fn r = k ((n, eval_top_atom (Tyre.Internal.from_t a) x) :: r) in
eval_query q fn
let keval : ('a, 'b) t -> (string -> 'b) -> 'a =
fun (Url (slash, p, q)) k ->
eval_path p @@ fun host path ->
eval_query q @@ fun query ->
let path =
match slash with Slash -> "" :: path | No_slash | Maybe_slash -> path
let host = Option.value ~default:"" host in
let path = String.concat "/" (List.rev path) in
let path = Pct.encode_path path in
let query = Pct.encode_query query in
k (host ^ path ^ query)
let eval t = keval t Fun.id
type 'a handler = 'a Httpcats.handler
type response = Httpcats.response
type error = Httpcats.error
let request ~f a t = keval t @@ fun uri -> Httpcats.request ~f ~uri a